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Everything posted by MCERT1

  1. @ andrew. Sorry I've never gotten back to you about those few units I've skinned. Give me about two more weeks and I'll try to get them packaged up and sent off to you.
  2. They should be listed in the annual reports departments, at least all units that have responded to an incident within the past year. I'd try to find them but I'm working on a big project right now. Sorry I can't be of more help. There are 2 Hillcrest Christian schools in the LA area: -1 is located at: 17531 Rinaldi Street Granada Hills, CA 91344-3399 Closest LA Stations are City 18 & 87 - The second is located at:384 Erbes Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91362-2797 Which is in Ventura County Closest LA Station is County 144
  3. MCERT1


    Not that it's totally realistic, but you'd be surprised what sort of databases exist. For example purchasers cough syrup, and most industrial materials also have databases.
  4. Problem is, the CERN super collider is already active and has been for over a year. Still the world hasn't come to an end. My personal favorite site for perspective: The list of dates for the end of the world
  5. Ohio Task Force 1 was activated by FEMA on Thursday 14 January 2010. They departed from Wright Patterson AFB later that day.
  6. But that's half the fun of a scanner... Squirreling calls (as we call it) I remember that fire in Buffalo I skipped class to listen to it.
  7. Thank You Hoppah, That walking not running thing has been driving me nuts... Now I just need to sit down this weekend and learn how to do alpha relfections
  8. 1. Watched a domestic dispute in a bar parking lot. The woman ended up hit her ex-husband with her truck. Luckily he ended up flying into a fresh snowbank. Me and several other tried to help, but his friends were a little too aggressive so we kept back till the cops showed up. 2. In high school I had a classmate flag me down when he broke his arm skateboarding (One of the nastiest breaks I've ever seen). I didn't have a phone with me, but luckily, he knew where a friends house was a block away. I had a newspaper with me so I rigged him a little splint till we could get to the house, since he refused to stay still. 3. Lots of car crashes(the glory of lake effect snow). I stop depending on severity, weather, and location (last thing I want is add to the accident). 4. Two times I've had medical emergency happen right in front of me at church. 5. I've heard a shoot out with the cops. I was on a high school band trip in a hotel at the time. 6. Personally I've been emergencies a couple of times. Last fall I was standing at the top of our college bleachers. I slipped, fell, and rolled backwards down the bleachers head first. I fell about 10 feet and rolled down another 10 or 15. Luckily I had a cymbal bag on my back, which the doctors said probably is all that kept me from snapping my neck.
  9. Glad to see you found the pics. I also have walkarounds and roof pics for the other two police ones too... If you ever need help finding pics just let me know, I've got a big list of sources going.
  10. Hoppah, I have pics of the top of the SWAT pierce rescue if you ever want to change that model. It's roof is different.
  11. It depends from area to area. Where I'm at for college, the police run the bomb squad. In Columbus, where I live the fire department does. It just depends by place but mostly I'd say it falls to the police department.
  12. Bomb disposal in the US: Federal: All federal agencies have their own experts. Some group have full fledged teams others may have individuals (they don't particularly like to go into what they do and don't have). Investigation is primarily done by the ATF. Local: Depends by area, some places have county wide units, where other larger cities have their own dedicated teams. they can vary in size from 1-20 or 30 people. Depending on place they may be run by either the police or fire department. Tools that are used are standard across the board, robots, containment devices, mobile x-rays.For Example here is the Columbus Fire Department Bomb Squad Truck: Military: The US military has EOD groups. Depending on their proximity and type of explosive they may be called. Normally it's only for unexploded ordinance (ie. WWII shells, and civil war cannon balls). All bomb disposal techs here undergo the EOD training to certify. I think it's held somewhere in Virginia. *The problem with talking about bomb disposal at least in the US, is that alot of is kept fairly secret particularly tools of the trade and investigation abilities. There's a good book called bomb squad about the NYPD Bomb Squad which I recommend.
  13. No problem, I figured that my be the case since I only listen at specific times I don't know what is going on at others. I really only ever hear about 4 dispatchers.
  14. Just a point mike: Listening LAFD and other SoCal dispatches (both recorded and some live), and I've never heard them use "RA" only rescue. Verdugo dispatch and the other local departments only use "RA". Perhaps you've heard differently I'm sure they probably use it at times...Just an observation. Also I posted most of the dispatch terms I've come across here here I may have gotten some horribly wrong. I'm curious if they match up to what you are used to.
  15. Sorry, haven't had a chance to mod in a while. -I literally can't edit the fire resistance, it's grayed out -Still haven't figured out what is causing the problem with the firefighter. He walks instead of runs he's an exact copy of the FF/EMT with SCBA so nothing should be wrong. -I resolved the flare thing. -What is also weird is that I can't uncheck the lit box on models in the editor. Any other suggestions or help would be appreciated.
  16. A related question: Do you know if the Forestry Service has ever had interns for the fire management section? I'm trying to find internships that will help with my thesis.
  17. The U.S. will let North Korea keep pretending it's a world power... As for China and Russia, particularly China it depends, North Korea keeps putting in a position it doesn't want to be in, and support could quickly fade. Russia is just to busy trying to recapture its former glory to care about most of what North Korea does.
  18. I've got a few, maybe like 15 or 20... My brother has a ton of them. We both have the original two trucks which were LAFD Seagraves, they were pulled of the shelf for an antenna that kids could choke on.
  19. So I've been tinkering, and adding new people to the mod. I've hit a few snags though; 1. I can't edit the fire resistance of any of them in the editor 2. I created a new ff with scba, but he walks instead of runs 3. Both firefigthers I've created have the flare command..It works, but they don't hold the equipment, I edited the script appropriately and everything. 4. Weird but not a problem, I can't uncheck the lit box in the editor for both models. Does anyone know how much of this is scripting stuff, related to another file, or just plain glitches? Does any of it have to do with the VMO file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Well it's been a few years, but if I remember correctly... Your argument is invalid, via reductio ad absurdum. Which I believe would make this topic invalid.
  21. It confused me for a long time till i sat down and researched it... they're all a little different. I have blueprints for the bomb squad and SWAT truck, but I have pictures from all angles on them all. (Now if I could only model )
  22. LAPD have three Pierce Rescues: 1 for SWAT, 1 for the Bomb Squad, 1 for the Under Water Dive Unit
  23. I have models skinned for: LACoFD Chopper (Blackhawk reskin) LACoFD FF's (reskins of Hoppahs models) LACoFD Battalion 1 (reskin of LAFD Battalion) I also have an engine reskin but it's not quite correct, I also have a been working on a reskin of the Heavy Rescue, and Tiller.
  24. The light bars on SU2 are different from those on standard RA's. They're primarily Amber if you look at the pics on Mikesphotos page
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