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Everything posted by Kookas

  1. You can still keep the redirection lights, it's just that then you would have both the lights and the directionals at the same time.
  2. It should be pretty easy to give them wrecked models, depending on how they're made (you might need to separate some faces for the bonnet and such to make them appear dented).
  3. If you mean the video guy, in the English version of the game he speaks English.
  4. Offtopic but I bet ligen is the suffix for adjectives in Swedish (all Germanic languages seem to have a suffix most adjectives have in common xD). Regarding the mod, good luck with it
  5. Thanks Also, "fanbanner" code snippets in the first post, for if you want to support the mod. You can choose between a Police+Ambulance one (the thread banner) and a Fire one (in my signature). No more progress for tonight. Tomorrow I have a martial arts event and a family event, so I might not get much done tomorrow either.
  6. Thanks. Texture done. Pictures in first post. Expect in-game pictures for Tuesday.
  7. Texture's finished Pictures in the first post.
  8. I found out what HFRA stands for - "Home Fire Risk Assessment". What else should go on the back? It looks really plain.
  9. I know the phone number, that's on the website. Thanks for the information! It actually seems to say HFRA.
  10. They almost certainly wouldn't put FU, it would cause more controversy than desired. Maybe it says MU. The two people you seem to see, those look like a letter M to me. Meh, I will just put something and make it unreadable like in the photo .. then it doesn't matter Also, I think it says Phone Free and then the phone number, now that you say Freephone Helpline.
  11. Thanks for the information, although I don't think it would say FU by the person xD That part you're talking about seems to start with M.
  12. Okay. Does anyone know what the rest of the message on the poster on the side of fire engines says? Anyone willing to help, if you think you can read the message, go ahead You can see it in these photos: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/36/110985395_0617dcadf9.jpg http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40818000/jpg/_40818024_evacuat203.jpg Also, in the last photo, you can clearly see that's a MAN TGM Pump Rescue Ladder of the WMFS So either that was converted into the MAN TGM Water Tower, or Dennis isn't the only member of the PRL fleet. The phone number and website address can be found on the website of the Fire Service but what does the rest say? http://www.wmfs.net/Stay+Safe/Free_Home_Fire_Safety_Check/ Also, a new, more likely reason for the list's lack of ARVs. This fleet list: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1106358@N21/ Look at the Unmarked section. All the ARVs are under that. It implies that all of WMP's ARVs are unmarked. I saw the black Audi A6 Estate sitting at a traffic light suddenly turn its lights on and drive off once. It had red and blue lights around the middle brakelight.
  13. What do they do? Do they guard the scene of the attack or what? Also, more firetruck work coming soon. I think the hardest parts are still to come though
  14. But this isn't the Battle of West Midlands Mod .. why would I need those? xD
  15. Thanks. To ensure every mesh gets put in-game correctly will be a tad tedious. I'll probably end up messing it up, maybe I'll forget to import one of the meshes into ZModeler (that's almost the worst one, because then I have to try and get it scaled to the same scale as the rest of the meshes). Not sure about the colour of the middle part of the roof though. Might actually be red.
  16. I embark on the journey that is texturing from photographs (the equipment bays):
  17. But aren't these really meant for mod developers to add to their mod?
  18. I don't mean any disrespect, but I don't feel that was off-topic, because we are trying to get West Midlands Mod to have realistic vehicles so it can be realistic as possible. It is all part of planning, for future reference Also, I found out what the actual roof ID codes mean. The official website for the WMPS strongly implies that the different codes (LetterNumber) on the roof show what station the vehicle comes from. Below is a link to the source of that information, and the different codes for the various stations. http://www.west-midlands.police.uk/np/index.asp This means that either I need to base the map on somewhere real, or I have to make up my own station code. It's quite complicated because this now means that I may well have to script the dispatch system so that cars called from the map are all different with different roof codes. However, it shouldn't be so bad. I think I may centre the map around the Kings Heath High Street. I think it's a great location for this game. First off, as its in the city (with Central London-like traffic on the High St.), car chases almost never happen, so that gives a nice explanation for EM4's lack of car chases. Secondly, it has a big crime every now and then - armed robbery, stabbings, etc. Thirdly, it's very close to where I live, so its not a problem if I need to go and get resources for making the map. Also, a reason no ARVs were on that FOI fleet list - this idea also explains why that armoured Land Rover was seen in Staffordshire and in the West Midlands. Perhaps we don't have enough gun-related crime around here to justify the West Midlands owning its own fleet of ARVs, so when we do need them we just borrow one from Staffordshire. Expect some mod updates + screenshots throughout this weekend And yes, I am going to change the medical bag. Oh, and don't expect any missions, not even for 0.9, maybe for 0.99 but I doubt it.
  19. Oh, regarding the possible Vauxhall Vectra police car, I think you may have seen a Skoda Octavia and mistook it for a Vectra They don't look so different. No mod news until tomorrow though, sorry!
  20. Cool, just note that Alpha is generally agreed to be the status of private testing, often referred to as private beta (you have called it the Alpha version in the thread title) The Beta comes after the Alpha and it is the public stage of testing. Little communication things aside, the mod's excellent
  21. In the German version, everything is German
  22. Haha yes a toddler's firetruck!
  23. It seems pretty high-poly, at about 1600 polys. It won't get much higher than that, though (nearly done, mesh-wise).
  24. I kept a backup of the original thread this time, so its not so bad. As for the bits that flash being too big, do you mean the lightbar is too big or what? The sides are big because that's how lightbars like that tend to flash, the side flashes all at once. I made the coronas smaller since that video so it looks right at the normal camera distance but yeah. Another thing I hope they sort out for the next Emergency - coronas that get smaller from distance, not bigger
  25. What's wrong with it? Is it the pattern or what?
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