Things I'd like -Civilians that won't stare middle of the road -AI cars would change the car lane -Bigger map -Player vehicles won't stop when they try to overtake a vehicle -Less accidents so it's easier to save dying people while 3 places burn -Freeplay with stuff like in missions -Riots, more criminals, too easy to catch lone one. -Better camera movement, hate it when something burns in corner of the map -Fake-/test alarms -Able to change difficulty in every game like (Limited water in fire engines, how many accidents in which time, amount of traffic etc.) -Easier way to move units, maybe greate groups or something. -Less peple dying in the streets. 70% of my alarms are cause by someone laying in the street. -ALOT Better graphics -Faster vehicles, Fire Engines can go fast but in this game, slow as sound. Btw. Possible to change username? I created this account when I was about 11