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Everything posted by firefighter111

  1. Send it to Hoppah, it'd be nice to see that in his mod.
  2. just out of curiosity, why didn't you just by the U.S. version? As for the translation, just use note pad to opean all th language files of the game and rewrite them all in english.
  3. nope, like I said before, NYPD traffic writes tickets and handels the towing to NYPD impound. Highway Patrol is like a regular police officer who patrols the highway.
  4. Except for the two lights on top the car, I assume the rest is for better visibility. The two top lights I think are spotlights.
  5. The NYPD traffic unit is not like CHP. NYPD traffic units only do things like write tickets and direct traffic at busy intersections. I believe the reason they drive the dark blue police cars like the Ax. Officers is that they don't carry fire arms like the AUX. The NYPD unit that is most similar to CHP is the NYPD Highway patrol. They patrol the highways and in the NYPD's jurisdiction and provide law enforcement. Highway Patrol officers do carry firearms and have full police powers. NYPD Traffic Unit SUV NYPD Highway Patrol notice the extra pieces on the light bar, it's the eaisest way to identify one of the highway patroll units
  6. Looking great Hoppah . I am a big fan of MCVs, especially LDV (the company that made both of the FBI's MCVs), so it will be a great addition to the game. Also when you say it will be able to buy FBI agents, do you mean like you can get fire fighters at the fire house, because that would be easy to just click on a button and have a new FBI agent right where you need them. Also, what siren are you going to use for the MCV?, because that's the first police type vehicle I've seen anywhere with a Q.
  7. anybody played GTA IV yet. I'm getting the PS3 version (yes I know this is the 360 topic) but they should be the same from what I've heard. I should be getting my copy on Mon. so if the two multiplayer are compatible...(yea right, no two people who'd want to play multiplayer togeather would ever buy two different systems). If not, if I ever get a chance to play a friend's 360 version on multiplayer, I'll let you guys know.
  8. As most don't know, the full name of a modern engine is a triple combination pumper, which means that it has a pump, hose bed, and and chemical tanks. The first one was delivered to City of Middletown N.Y. as I belive Engine 1. that same company also operated the last Thibault sold in the U.S. As for the Ladders with pumps are actually very common out side of large cities, where you know you're going to have a fully staffed engine running directly with the truck to the job or being on scene within minutes of the call from a different firehouse. Also, alot of volunteer fire departments do not split into specific types of companies, such as engines, trucks, and rescues. In OCNY, Warwick is only one of four or five departments that have that type of division. Also, in volunteer departments, if a group jumps in the ladder and roars off, there's a good chance they may be the only unit on scene for at least 10-15 mins. If there's no emergency, they may the only unit on the call at all. That's why the volunteers perfer ladders with pumps.
  9. This is a Mid-Mount Ariel. This one is a Sutphens and uses an actual tower part as the part between the truck and the bucket There are mid-mount's that have a ladder like the one in the game. 99 % of mid-mounts are tower ladders but companies, like KME, still make mid-mount straightsticks like this Retired Truck 633 1981 American LaFrance 100 foot aerial
  10. That's not necessarily true. some tower ladders have a pump built into to them and others do not. the reason units don't have to be hooked up to a pumper is that's the way the game works. Also a quint is a specific type of unit. Here isthe definition of the name quint "The name quint is derived from the Latin prefix quinque-, meaning five, and refers to the five functions that a quint provides: pump, water tank, fire hose, aerial device, and ground ladders."(from wikipedia).usually quints are rear mount straight sticks and are around 75' and they have a tank,which most ladders don't have. Here are examples of a tower ladder with a pump, without a pump, and a quint. Warwick Truck 633 (tower with a pump) 2000 GPM Pump Aprox. 500' of 5" supply line* Aprox. 250' of 1.5" attack line* *- don't know exact lengths because we only really use them at wetdowns. FDNY Truck 159 (tower w/o pump) no pump no hoses Vernon Truck 402 (quint) 75' ariel 1500 GPM 400 gallon tank you'll notice the rear is set up to carry hoses and hard suction, as well as standered truck equipment.
  11. If your talking about adding the arjent lightbar to the game, it'll be on the LAPD crown vic. for v1.6
  12. that might work but then they would have to be on the map when the game started and you couldn't call more in.
  13. you may be able to change it to the right format if you can upload it with Zmoddler Also, I wonder how much that program costs, because it looks like it would cost alot, based on how good that original model of the SUV was really good, possible even better than Hoppah's would look at that size. EDIT: the program is still in development according to their site. I'm going to have my name put on their email list, because if it's really that easy, than so did modding in general
  14. I think what he's asking for is a vehicle that can have more than four hose connections on it. Unfortunatly the game does not allow a vehicle to have more than four hose connections I agree, that would be a cool idea, but I'm sure that takes a huge amount of scripting. If Hoppah wanted to do it though and needed ideas, I would certainly be glad to add in my susgestions to MCERT's.
  15. Hey mike, I read in the November - December 2006 issue of Fire Aperratus Journal That the LAFD was expermenting with 2006 Ford F450 four-wheel-drive extended cab with body work with Master Body Works desinged to fit the footprint a suburban, as a replacement for the suburbans for the Battalion Cheifs and the Ems car for Ems Captains. I was wondering what happened to them, Since I never heard anything else and there not in the mod, I assume they were rejected. I belive the test version for the BC was assinged to Battalion 5. I just looked at your site and found the ems version of the test rig so I assume you know about them. Also, how is the county liking there new LDV Mobile Comand Unit. LACoFD Mobile Command Post any reason that they went with a smaller 16 foot chassis rather than a larger chassis?
  16. Here in the U.S., we tend to use the air horn as another way to get people out of the roadway with the sirens, especially in heavy traffic. see video below for example youtube video - Warwick E-634 responding for a telephone pole burning - by WFD633Hook
  17. I like the idea of being able to control the aire horn. Although, if it's possible, I'd like to see a siren contol panel for each unit.
  18. Two things: A)LAPD/LASD, who ever is responsinble for transporting large numbers of prisoners, they shoud have a bus or van unit for transporting large numbers of prisoners. B) looking online at pics of the LAPD bomb squad SUV, I realized the light bar needs to be a bit smaller. -vi.jpg
  19. use notepad or your equivilant program and open 911 first reponders file - data if you use the original game, mods if you use a mod when you play*. - specs - fp_params_endless. then find all the events that are fire related and change, then change the average frequency value of the event to 0.0. that should get rid of all those calls. * - if using a mod, you must change the specs file in th mod folder, not the data folder.
  20. Thanks, I didn't realize that they only turned on when you activate the rest of the emergency lights.
  21. Mike, one question, doesn't the steady burn light kinda ruin the undercover effect? Because if I was involved in illict activities(hypothetically) doesn't the steady burn light act like a big neon sign with an arrow that says "Cops are Here", and obviously, I wouldn't carry out my illict activities. Also, I think I remember seeing a pic somewhere of an armored car company that made an unmarked armored pickup truck for LAPD swat
  22. I'm intersted in making a script for a bomb detection K-9 unit. I assume the only part I have to change is the piece that identifies the injured person as the target of the search. The only problem is I don't know what piece this is and what to change it to so the dog will target bombs. :frown: So if you know please give me a shout , and if it works, I will include you in the readme. Thanks, Firefighter111
  23. Hoppah, you should add station 51's tones from the old tv show emergency. I would like to see an unmarked SUV in the mod, but since I couldn't find a pic of one, Mike is going to let us know if they actually exists.
  24. There is no FBI Command Unit in EM4. Youre probably thinking of the SWAT heavy rescue truck. It's basically a larger version of the SED trucks.
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