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  1. Sadly it ain't being worked on i if i remember it correctly. Well, I am going to make a new one once i know how to code.
  2. If i have a new computer can i help making models after the real vehicle's in the netherlands? Atleast if you're planning to make them.
  3. mishavstip

    Dutch Mod!!!

    I don't know if the mod still works.
  4. I need to get coding experience for later or not (if i'm going to be a firefighter) and this might help me so as soon as i have my new computer i can start with it as soon as possible.
  5. The ladder looks great. I will download this mod after i have everything complete (Emergency 5 broke forever now so i will buy 2017 including a video card)
  6. That's weird tried both downloads still says 0.0.7
  7. It's 0.0.7 tried 2 different downloads one on this site and one on the other both are 0.0.7 EMERGENCY5_error_report_170606-143052.zip
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