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  1. I'll just add some things to my earlier (dutch) reply: - Make it able for the player to skip or wind back the time with 1 hour (current winterberg mod) - Make it able for the player to set buildings on fire (current winterberg mod) - Make it able fot the player to injure people (again, current winterberg mod) - Make it possible to work with multiple medics/persons on 1 victim (winterberg; 1 doctor and one assistant docter) - I like the dodge charger lightbar (maybe some of the same -alternating- lightbars on other vehicles?) - Maybe its possible to hook up a trailer onto the watertender and the USAR truck? - I would really like the police to be able to give medical attention, cause in 9 out of 10 the police is first on scene. - Make it possible for medics to call an additional ambulance? This because the additional equipment is usually called in by its own service.. - Make it possible for the police to call in the fire department (or just the chief, which can call in a fire engine) I like the mod! Keep up the good work!
  2. Well... One thing is for sure: I would NOT like to see that Santa in the game.. :1046275873_shakehead: Or... maybe we can make him a member of the bombsquad..
  3. Ik vind de lightbar, welke geplaatst is op de nieuwe Dodge Charger helemaal tha bomb! Ik zou dit soort (felle, platte en alternerend flitsende) lightbars graag terug willen zien op meerdere voertuigen, alleen dan met flitsers aan beide zijden. Mischien is het mogelijk om ook diverse opties toe te voegen: - Zelf brand kunnen stichten (zat in de Winterberg 6.5 mod) - De tijd voor- en achteruit kunnen zetten (zit in de huidige Winterberg mod) - Politie ook de brandweer ter plaatse kunnen roepen (of alleen de OVD, welke de andere eenheden weer kan aansturen) De nieuwe missies zijn echt perfect. Ze zouden zo in het spel zelf kunnen zitten. Hulde! Alleen mis ik wel wat missies met verkeer (ongelukken, opstoppingen, achtervolging(?) of ander soort onheil) Keep up the great work!
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