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sportsguy672 last won the day on April 9 2023

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About sportsguy672

  • Birthday 06/28/1998

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    United States
  • Interests
    Emergency Style games, Simulation, Having fun.

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  1. Haven't been around in a while so how is the mod coming along.
  2. I love the progress updates will download when you release it. Keep uup the good work.
  3. Yeah a batman unit would take away from the focus. I would love to see some of the cars from the Keaton movies. But i still love the crown vics. Also the EMS/FD isn't really a thing u see in the batman movies' to much. So if you don't or do put the EMS/FD it really wouldn't matter to me. Other wise love what your doing.
  4. Np Are you going to add any ems/fire. Also you should add a batman unit lol.
  5. Keep up the awesome work can't wait to download it when its released.
  6. By far this is my favorite mod just because of the small details it has. Being able to disable callout if you play like me and like setup units for call out before i start playing. Also that each unit has a purpose and not just being in their category. good mod and can't wait for the next update.
  7. When I try to use the dispatch button it crashes my game. But other than that i love the car models. I tried reinstalling the mod and if i try to use the dispatch group 1 and/or the dispatch command that the chief/supervisors have it crashes my game any fixes?
  8. Love the unmarked and the lightbar on the 29 vehicle.
  9. Can't wait. As someone who loved EM4 and plays it a lot I like that the moding community is still active.
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