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Everything posted by Mrtucker555

  1. there hard to find move your mouse around the sides and back alittle
  2. you have to find the connections and sfecificly click on them somtimes there hard to see or click on
  3. hey guess what if you read the whole forum maby you will see that the last one is out cause it took hoppah 6 months to do one fire station and that has been brought up alot
  4. i use it all the time and it works great!
  5. thanks hoppah so much for making this wonderfull mod. That looks fantastic i cant wait to see the finished product keep up the great work!
  6. hey is there any way you can maby make an inflatable on a trailer that can be attached to like the light equipment truck or somthin like swift water rescue. the trailer can maby replace one of the other trailers parked outside. is there any way you can do that so maby you can get a small swift boat to a rescue quicker? again great job on the mod!
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