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volunteer last won the day on June 23 2016

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  1. I think adding a randomized number of POVs going to the scene or even to the station would be nice. In a small community it's not very uncommon to see POVs going across town to they call if they live closer to the call than they do the station.
  2. As a volunteer firefighter at a department about the size of the one featured in game,I have a few ideas that would make the mod more "volunteer-like". My ideas are as follows: Allow firefighters to proceed to the scene in plain clothes without going to the station. When playing Montana, I run the FD to all medical calls and it is sometimes inconvenient for the personnel to have to report to the station and gear up before responding. Have volunteers that are able to heal/stabilize patients before the arrival of an ambulance. With this said, have a vehicle at the fire station that responds to medical and rescue calls. This vehicle would ideally have medical bags, backboards, and other tools on board. This would be a first responder vehicle, and wouldn't be used to transport patients. Have more than one backboard available in the apparatus. We carry three in our squad and I believe most ambulances carry two or three. This would be a hard one, but reskin some apparatus as "mutual aid" companies that can be called from more than just one surrounding agency. I have my own response protocols (which I will attach) and I can only go up to a second alarm since available companies are limited. Add more volunteers to the Monida Pass roster. A lot of small towns similar to Monida Pass have personnel that respond in their own vehicles since seating in trucks is limited. Add functionality so that mutual aid companies can back into the Monida Pass station. When large incidents occur, it is wise to have mutual aid companies stand by at the station to cover other emergency calls. These are in no order of importance to me, but I think that they would make great additions to the mod. Montana - Emergency Response Protocols.txt
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