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  1. I gues someone doesn't have these files anymore don't they?
  2. Lol couldn't you try to ask it nicely?. It isn't hard. I actually like it this way Ghost!
  3. I'm in love with the ladder truck and the american ambulance!
  4. I can confirm that after doing this, the modification is perfect.
  5. I can't find the tow truck . It's not in the TEC list only a crane
  6. I've actually found minor things in the mod after playing it intense the last few days. In the bungalowpark near the RSB fire station there is one cabin you can't enter with firerighters nor paramedics. The door can't be openend with the axe, so people who get sick in there die. It's the cabin in the upper right corner in the southern area of the vacation park (south of the small road). And one of the businesses in the same street as the VFD station has two construction workers on the roof next to the solar panels, and you can't get there with the ladder truck. So they die too. The streetpaths on and under the overpass over the highway aren't optimal. For example, when an ambulance has to drive over the overpass over the freeway, it drives right across all the drivinglanes on the freeway instead of using the overpass.I actually fixed the street issue near thestatue roundabout in the editor, and this doesn't fixes the issue with the freeway overpass. These are just minor imperfections. But I thought I'd mention this .
  7. Well, atleast a list with translations and explanations of the abbreviations used in the game would be handy . Like ABSC and VUCI and VLCI etc, what they mean.
  8. I had that too, until I called it again to some place and let it park again and then he parker the proper way. I guess he takes more turns to do it properly.
  9. I have a question, which unit do I have to call to get a diver? Just had a accident and I just called random units in the hope that in one of those vehicles was a diver, but no luck, she died. And is there a difference Portugal between those INEM ambulances and those from the volunteer fd? Are INEM ambulances ALS and volunteer fd's BLS? or do they all have the same medical skills etc?
  10. That's great news! To me that was the only real issue in the mod, so it's almost perfect when the patch is out.
  11. That's awesome! Are the drunken firetruck drivers sober now?
  12. Absolutely a great mod! My favorite! But I have found some bugs unfortnunately: When you call the police car for the second time, sometimes the car arrives without any policemen. I found the cause to be the parking at the police station. The police car parks in the garden of the house next to the station and the policemen don't have enough time to run to the car so it drives away without them.When I get the call for a gas explosion with causualties, there are injured people without any models, so the medics will treat them, but I can't see them and get them on a stredger.One engine doesn't use the right side of the road and just drives everywhere when going to a call. This is the older atego from the northern station.Ambulance under button 3 doesn't have a siren.Coroners van is missings 'parkatbase' button and can't go back.One smaller engine with the steel white cage around it won't go back when I click on the 'P' button, I will have to look which one it was.I haven't found any other significant bugs. Great job! No first release of a mod will ever be without bugs so I'm really happy that this one is so good!
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