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Everything posted by Luc0104

  1. My computer broke and I'm on my mother's computer but when I went to play Emergency 4 in infinite mode everything was black just showing up the lights, Road Signalling, etc. Except that nothing showed up I could not see the units I bought, so the game stayed Impossible to play, my mother's computer is full of files among other things, is this related to the problem? Thank you.
  2. I can suggest a thing? Because guys do not add new occurrences? for example: Close point of sale of drugs, illegal racing, attack in the police station, Convoy for dangerous prisoner, peace disturbance, fire on ship, etc. I hope I have given good suggestions A hug <3
  3. I need help on the commands how to create a Command?
  4. I am searching anyone to play on a server of brazilians
  5. é bom ter jogadores do próprio estado jogando tbm
  6. Por favor Rafael ve oq eu escrevi no seu perfil

  7. I tried everything but I could not get the guy who always speaks when it appears an emergency, for me it makes the game without that challenge to find out What's going on, I who am Brazilian really like playing the mod São Paulo but the voice in English of man leaves the mod without any sense, someone knows how to get him out of the game in any way?
  8. A mod much good i played


  9. I am searching a brazilian player preferably in the state of São Paulo.
  10. Better mod i played on this game is the Los Angeles Mod


  11. Ei cara eu vi no youtube um cara que fez um mapa para o seu mod eu não sei se você já falou com ele ou já sabe disso mas eu queria saber quando vai lançar esse mapa se vc sabe, o mod vai fica muito mais top, e tambem um comando para patrulhar.
    Tomara que eu não tenha pedido muito ou te incomodado

    Caso vc não saiba


    1. Luc0104


      Mano por favor me responde eu to tentando ajuda sou super fã do seu Mod

    2. Rafael


      Esse mapa não existe mais, ele foi feito para o mod, mas foi perdido!


    3. Luc0104



      mesmo assim vlw e que seu mod continue perfeito


  12. Hey man I saw on youtube a guy who made a map for your mod I do not know if you've talked to him or already know this but I was wondering when will release this map if u know, the mod will get much top, and also a command to patrol.
    Hopefully u did not ask too much or bothered you

  13. How to install the freeplay map los angeles mod?

    1. Police101


      C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\911 First Responders\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v2.1\Maps. replace the freeplay and freeplay.e4m and also the freeplay.eft with the files you installed from my mod.

    2. Police101


      Sorry, i was busy lately.

    3. Luc0104
  14. Palmas / TO - The Federal Police, together with inspection area of Social Security, set off this morning (23/6) Operation Famulus. The aim is to disrupt criminal group specialized in the practice of fraud against the INSS. Are being met four search warrants and 4 forceful warrants, in the cities of Tocantins Gurupi, Formoso do Araguaia, Palmeirópolis and Figueirópolis, all issued by Vara Single of the Federal Court in Gurupi / TO. The Federal Court also ordered the INSS the suspension of a pension benefit that was accompanied by documents defrauded by a law firm that was acting in the social security area and has offices in Gurupi / TO and Palmeirópolis / TO. Among coercively conducted, a figure that office lawyer, his mother, an employee of one of the offices and a beneficiary.
  15. I have no idea how to use the configurator someone help me ?
  16. Yes is it, i going to test, thank you
  17. My Los Angeles Mod is with a problem it run the starting cutcsene but after the screen goes dark and appears the notification: Program is not responding, i need help
  18. I not can download modifications without the Win-Rar ,please can anyone help me?
  19. My emergency 4 is not enterring what i do?
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