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Everything posted by aitor

  1. Cuando vuelva a mi casa lo probaré When I return my house I will download it
  2. The last map is the whole map or part of it?
  3. My bad, this week i wont be in my house so I can´t play it Keep it up!!!
  4. I have an idea for the map, a railroad that crosses the map by bottom of map the river.
  5. Looks good, but I think that can be a bit difficult if you have to check the victim, move fire trucks, arrest people, etc at the same time. I like the ship colission: One thing I would ask to the game productors is that do not make the same emergency services of previous games, I haven´t got nothing against them, just for a change.
  6. Do you think I like the people die and lost their stuf? I say is awesome or impressive, I´m not really good in English so I don´t know what are in this language the 'apropiate' words to say it, how the the ship sank. So please...
  7. I don´t like the idea. FDNY have some good fireboats
  8. An idea for the map: maybe changing the railway for an avenue, buildings and a road...
  9. I think the ambulance is too big for a small town
  10. For the ambulance 2 you could make a chevy ambulance, of the 90s
  11. The top of the car front is not black? Strange but looks good.
  12. Really like the tape, but it has to be put between two objects with a small distance or can be put in a big distance if there is not object to attach?
  13. Sounds good. A suggestion for the map, changing the drainage canal by a river could be more like New York than LA and would be more space for missions in water.
  14. Thank you very much men, now having fun with a chevy suburban
  15. Looks good but I think that it needs a shield with de dept simbol. I think that in a small fire dept would be nice this unit: http://flickriver.com/photos/jag9889/3400443680/ http://flickriver.com/photos/jag9889/3400442326/ And here the page from I've taken: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3629/3403361518_0f3da56ae6.jpg&imgrefurl=http://flickriver.com/photos/jag9889/tags/volunteer/&usg=__OF49wVDEmQvdpcDZhx_a1X18Sxc=&h=400&w=500&sz=130&hl=es&start=50&zoom=1&tbnid=QWq8bb9xXR0eaM:&tbnh=155&tbnw=209&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dny%2Bambulance%26hl%3Des%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D933%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10,2107&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=147&vpy=114&dur=4293&hovh=201&hovw=251&tx=128&ty=87&ei=RT4KTZe7F8WCOsT2kc8G&oei=FT4KTZeaOseW8QPB3vkI&esq=6&page=3&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:50&biw=1280&bih=933 Keep it up
  16. F***ing awesome how the ship sank. The helicopter is a Huey? I really like it. Is strange how is the diver is attached to the helicopter.
  17. Looks good; add private ambulances is a great idea Are you going to do this?
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