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Everything posted by Firebuff319

  1. Thank you for saying exactly what I said.
  2. DID I NOT PREDITIC THE 5 ALARM FIRE IN COLLEGE POINT??? DID I NOT????? (but i dont know where that is..so..yeah)
  3. Gotta catch the daily 10-75 or the weekly 5-7 alarm fire..lol
  4. You have to use them by opening with the Campeighn menu. It will open up 'Test Screen' for CPH Mod.
  5. Mod looks better and better everyday! Have a nice day, Verm!
  6. Is your mod not getting enough traffic? Want a tester? Ask me! I am willing to promote your mod for free!
  7. Its not, just waiting on permission on your end. (I pmed you for permission for the BS truck)
  8. SHHH, already scripting one.. for someone..they are going to release it soon. How did you find out?
  9. Can't wait. Just found this, looks amazing.
  10. Pick a mod(s) and reply to the topic saying what units you want and why you would like that mod. Poll closing August 1st
  11. Hey Murf, pming you. I beilve a picture even of a skin would do.
  12. Yup. Looks like it. The creator, im sure, will have em' up in no time!
  13. This mod looks promising. I cant wait to look at more pics! ^^^^^ Lucida Sans Marian
  14. Im sorry, I am changing it now. And can you give me credit on the front page please.
  15. I have tryed but it wont let me edit the size or open it in paint.net or PAINT or mspaint or photoshop..
  16. Anyway, here is the one. The real one. And I did not add them, I re-rendered them to make them higher quality.
  17. Added baseball, train and added words. All the rest I found on GI. Free to use..from a magazine. its temp. I am making a better one..
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