For my upcoming mod, Victoria Mod, I have included a new script called the Manual Siren Script, in witch if you hit 'W' it will start playing Wail, 'Y' for Yelp, 'P' for Phaser, '-' For air-horn, Q for a MANUAL FEDERAL Q2B, and m for a regular manual siren. This is all with the CARSON SA-500 CRUISER siren, that BCAS ambulance's have. And fire trucks have EQ2B sirens and a Q2B siren. You can toggle from EQ2B mode to regular siren using 'Insert' in-game. Firetruck regular sirens use Whelen5, and RCMP don't have EQ2B or Q2B, so instead, they have RUMBLER. Same toggle switch. Available to download in about an hour.
Can a mod sneak my topic to 'Mods'?