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Everything posted by Rlizard

  1. Yeah I saw that just wondering why the change. Also saw you added a patrol 4, I like how you going with different patrol units (Tahoe, charger, explorer).
  2. Medics look good. I like how you have a rescue medic as well. Wasn't chief 1 pov a dodge? Now it's an expedition.
  3. Anyone who wants to play with a vintage mac or a 80s ford c-series ladder. This mod is for you.
  4. I'm helping with the realism and unit list so from my understanding it's going to be super realistic. Oh and this is my volunteer dept.
  5. Let me know if you need any info on the area.
  6. Makes sense, some of the best mods have their own maps.
  7. Are you talking about the city layout? (I can't view the picture)
  8. Which is rather funny because I posted that comment first.
  9. You take some good pictures of your local Fire/police depts. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rlizard


      I'd vote for your mod but I want a mod with something other than fords as the main patrol units. 

    3. ThatOneIowan


      Haha no worries! It would be nice to see the new Tahoes for a change but I'm partial to the Explorers lol

    4. Rlizard


      Yeah the explorers are ok, but I've driven both and the tahoe has way more room/Comfort.

  10. I don't know if you can edit the poll but You should probably take out Texas city. The way they are organized is very similar to Bushton. So if it were to win it would just be a watered down (way less units) version of Bushton. (I'm assuming you are planing to make the units/resources as accurate as you can.)
  11. That's a decent sized team. You know, you could just make a mod on a fictional area and use the units you want.
  12. Depends on how much work you want to put into it. If you go with san Leon I'll be on your ass about getting things correct (1 station (I'm ok with 2 but they better be the northwest one and the central one). Engine 1 is like 2006ish spartan gladiator with evolution front end which there's no skin for it (that I know of). And a ton more stuff that I'd want to see correct. baycliff, would be easy to make because they only use pierces and fords (and 1 Tahoe). Texas city is the least I care about getting correct (as long as the numbering is correct) this is all the most simllair to Bushton units wise so in theory it's only a reskin with new events. Up up to you honestly your going to be making it I'll just be playing it. Also these 3 depts I know very well because I volunteer at one of them, the other is our "sister station" and main mutual aid unit. The other Provides mutral aid EMS and 1/4 of my dept works there full time.
  13. Texas city (3 fire stations paid dept, 3 engines, ladder 3-4 medic boxs only man 3 boxs the last one only called if needed a brush truck 1 Command unit) local PD Texas city police (Getting new station next year) population less then 50,000 san Leon TX ( in unincorporated Community with 1 volunteer fire dept with 2 engine 1 reserve engine, f-550 rescue, booster (brush truck), command and 1 first responder truck. EMS (county) (1 ALS unit) is in the next town over. Local sheriff office (next year first responder car being replaced with F-550 and and a new engine most likely tanker pumper) population 5000 baycliff Texas (next to san Leon) 1sation (volunteer) with 1 rescue engine, 1 normal engine; 1 command, 1 utility, 1 former first responder car (someone got in trouble) EMS the same als that san Leon uses. Sheriff office (Getting new brush truck this year and maybe a quint next year) Populaton less then 10000 Theres a ton more in this County similar to these areas (19 in total) and then theirs like 50 in the other County. Let me know if you need more places/ideas.
  14. Never heard of it, I'll probably go check it out.
  15. Not a big loss in my opinion I would have rather had an F-350.
  16. If you need a location do something original that fits the map. Mayberry map is more forestry area with possibly a up and coming Community. I can name a ton of communities like that near or around Houston Texas (like the area where my Volunteer station is). But then again I'm going to be biased. As for the Taurus comment fact ford sold 2x as many explorers (utilities) then the interceptors. (Roughly 60,000 utilities compared to 30,000) That's why they got the face lift first. If you live in up north or on the east coast of the u.s. you'd say that's what depts are switching too. But I can name a ton of depts that went with the Tahoe and or chargers (Houston, Dallas, Chicago, CHP, Texas DPS) But I don't want to argue. (Note I only said change up police vehicles because a ton of mods already use Ford's.)
  17. A realistic one. The issues I have with Mayberry/bushton is there's a ton of on map units and stations. Realsitcily there should only be 2 fire stations (max) with 3 engine companies (max). Plus a some support units a rescue, booster utility and command. Get rid of the the police units and go with chevy or dodge to many mods have fords (crown Vic, explorer (utility), interceptor (taurus). Add a real PD supervisor (not just some car that says supervisor that Mayberry/bushton did). If you want to make it harder only have 1 EMS box (ALS) and 1 First responder car (ALS) with only BLS mutual aid. Thats what i would like to see in a mod. I could careless what it's called.
  18. Whatever mod you make, try and make it original not just some reskin of Mayberry.
  19. Not bad so far. I noticed you traded the S-10 for a F-350.
  20. So is that going to be the light schemes for the fire dept red/amber?
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