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About shadowzuziz

  • Birthday 09/06/1995

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  • Location
    Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Interests
    911FR,PS3,Playing Games, Call of duty series

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  1. hey guys good work on the mod first of all i remember when this was just a submod i found a bug where an alley was blocked and there was a fire inside but the alley was blocked and i couldnt go in. Btw i would screenshot but i forgot how to sorry but the alley has a bunch of explosives and its near THE MAGIC CURTAIN. Good work again on your mod guys!
  2. Basically everyone died in the end of sleeping dogs and the sun on yee was gone for pretty much good. Borderlands 2 has a ton of new guns and some of the old ones. The orange guys are actually rare in this game kinda like the pearlecents of the first game all they oranges have special abilities, theres a new type of weapon called E-tech, nearly as good as orange, its uses bullets but shoots laser like things and theyre really strong and theres slag which u can use to increase the dmg of all your hits and the legendary Bee shield its probably the most overpowered thing theyve ever maded
  3. i got sleeping dogs and borderlands 2 really good games both of them
  4. yep it is the best. too bad the beta closed down... i really hope that it will come back but now i have to real game
  5. its been a while everyone! any new update anyone? im 10th and lvl 80 on mw3 and 9th and lvl 34 in black ops. got a bunch of new games like saints row the third really good games. Any new recommendations for me?
  6. sorry everyone been pretty inactive on this forum for a while im working alone atm some of the other members are on summer break and ive been going MLG so dont worry the mods still coming!
  7. Happy Birthday! good luck with your mod

  8. sorry guys havent been updating you guys yes we've been working, but my computer hates me and it keeps crashing and ive had to replace it twice alrdy and I got alot of school work so bear with me, but my team and I are working so dont worry =)
  9. i was looking forward to the past couple chicago mods but none of them ended up coming out so im looking forward to this one now good luck!
  10. when you get in game just move your camera up, but if you dont want to do that everytime you start a game then you need a camera hack
  11. what did u try to do first? and btw you post in the wrong place just so u know for next time
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