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  1. So, I installed two days ago this LA MOD, it worked great! I mean no problems or nothing. Then when I started the campaign.. I first played the first map. Then I choosed VIP -map or something. Then when I'm nearly airport, the limousine turns back to the starting place and the guy who was in it just walked to airport. Then game crushed and when I got back, there is no LA MOD campaign maps. Secondly, I tried to re-install the whole MOD but no, still not working. What I should do? Do I just "Start a new campaign"?? I see only the original maps there. They are numbered 11-20 or something. But.. 1-11 ?? what is going on here? Answer please! Sorry I can't take prt scrn.
  2. English: Do you use LA MOD? If yes, u have to wait like few minutes. It looks like it frozes but u have to wait until it loads all the files. Finnish: Käytätkö LA MOD:ia? Jos käytät niin sinun pitää odottaa muutama minuutti. Se vaikuttaa että peli kaatuisi / jäätyisi mutta sinun pitää odottaa kunnes kaikki tiedostot ovat ladattu.
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