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About ShaneGreen

  • Birthday 05/04/1971

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    New South Wales, Australia

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  1. Hi all, Long time, no talk. Unfortunately, I have not been able to progress things on v2.02 of the submod at this stage. It may be some time yet (but not abandoned). I see that a number of people are chasing the older version and that the links are no longer active. Thanks to those who have supplied alternate links and particularly to TexasDPS for keeping in touch on my belhalf. I am very fortunate to have friends such as Jon . What I shall do in the meantime, is create a new link on the first post with a download of the complete Submod v1.9.3. This will include the LA Mod files as well so that all you need to do is download and install into the game. It is named seperately so it can be installed and will not interfere with existing versions of the mod that you may have, and will appear in the mod options as a completely seperate mod (this is the same version that I use myself). So for those who wish to download SG Submod v1.9.3, it will now be simple and will not require a copy of LA Mod v1.9 to install into. Hope that helps until I can get the next version completed. Take care all Shane
  2. Hi Guys, just Downloaded the mod and am very impressed. You have done some fantastic work . One thing I noted with the Dodge Charger Highway Patrol, when deploying the redirect lights, the flashing lights are missing. This may only be my version, I guess, but I took the liberty of putting some in - they are not perfect (alot of guesswork with the positioning) but seem to be alright in game. If you would like me to throw you the prototype file to have a look at, I would be more than happy, either way you might like to look at that for the next patch (or not). Great job Shane
  3. Nice work Shane Green I enjoy playing thanks for your hard work good luck.

  4. Hi reece.c, Just recently received delivery of an Alienware Laptop M17X10 with i7 x 940 (2.13), 8 Gb RAM and dual ATI Radeon 5870's in crossfire. I am still loading up programs at this stage but so far everything I try to run on it, runs like a dream on max graphics (would want to for the pricetag). I am just loading up Emergency 2012 at the moment, will see how it goes. So if you are considering one of these, I would certainly recommend it. Good luck with your decision Take care Shane
  5. If it's not too much work or bother could you give me a script allowing BLS ambulances to park in station 1 in the same bay with ALS ambulances?

    What I would like is for BLS ambulances to park in station 2 like they do by default, but ALSO park in station 1 along with ALS ambulances when theres room.

    so it would look like:

    Station 1

    ALS and BLS ambulanc...

  6. Hi guys, Thanks for your interest. Just to clarify a few things; The last version released was version 1.9.3 that was created based around LA Mod v1.9 patch 3 Some people have been able to use this version with LA Mod v2.0 - however they have either made some changes to get it to work, or a number of LA Mod v2.0 features are not available. The next version that I am working on is v2.0.2 and it has been created based on LA Mod v2.0.2 Hope that clears things up. I will try to get some screenshots uploaded soon Take care Shane
  7. Hi Jon, As I have been creating all the scripts from scratch again in version 2, I have so far been working on the scripts for the FD and have yet to do up the PD. I am hoping that they are basically a recreation of the earlier versions so I do not expect to have problems there (I hope). If you want to discuss your problems, feel free to drop me a line and I will help where I can. Take care Shane
  8. Hey Jon, sorry it has been so quiet, work keeps sending me away for week to 10 days at a time. I will be away mid next week for about 10 days so hope to get a number of things sorted then, providing the out of hours calls don't keep me on the run. Yes I do plan on changing the numbers on the station to correspond with the vehicle numbers. You do have to look after the eye candy. I have no problems with double posting personally, if you have a question to ask, please feel free to ask and I will answer as best I can. Take care Shane
  9. Thank you for you interest in my submod - I am currently working on a version for LA Mod version 2.0.2 and hope to have it available as soon as I can sort out a few hiccups. I am including the Additional Units submod as part of this version and have just received Occram's kind permission to use Occram's Lights in the submod. At the moment, I am considering releasing as a complete package - so it can be installed as an additional mod and not interfere with your current version of LA Mod. This will mean that when you download it, you install with the mod installer and it is ready to go, without having to play around with files. The downside to this approach is that it will involve a rather large download. If anybody has any thoughts on this, please let me know. Take care Shane
  10. Xplorer 4x4 is correct. To keep it in perspective, most (if not all) Battalion Chief's are responsible for 6 or more stations in their area, so it would be unrealistic to include additional BC's in game. However, it will still be possible to call the original BC (1) from off map. The BC that I will be including on map will be Battalion 6 - which is the BC responsible for 2 of the 3 station numbers that I am using in game (Station 85 [1] and 36 [3]). Station 2 will be known as 51 for all those fans out there (myself included). Hi Jon, nice to hear from you. As always, your kind words flatter me. I am trying a number of things differently, this time, to hopefully add to the realism. I am attempting to reorganise the parking at Station 85 [1] so that it is less organised (if that makes sense). Instead of having a bay for ALS engines, a bay for the BLS engines and a bay for the ladder, I am trying to mix it up so it is more realistic (I imagine that space is at a premium and that the vehicles are put where they will fit), so I am trying to recreate that situation, but still make it possible to call units to the scene. the screenshot below will hopefully explain this better. Units to be included; * please note that all the units contained on the map will be suitably numbered and added as extra units, so the originals will still be available from off map. Station 85 Squad 85 (LEV), HAZMAT 85 Engine 85, Engine 285 Ladder 85, Watercanon 85 USAR 85, Heavy Rescue 85 Rescue 85, Rescue 885, Rescue 985 (ambulances) Station 51 Squad 51 (LEV) Engine 51 Ladder 51 Rescue 51, Rescue 851 (ambulances) Brush 51 Station 36 Squad 36 Engine 36 Engine 236 Rescue 36, Rescue 836 (ambulances) Brush 36 As a side note, I had previously shown the police vehicles as all Dodge Chargers at the station, but have since decided to include some as cv's. The plan is for the station to have crown vics as 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, with Dodge Chargers 210, 211 and slicktop Dodge Chargers 212, 213. The CHP should have crown vics C-41, C-42, with 2 Dodge Chargers and 1 Dodge Charger slicktop. That is the current plan ......... anyway. More to come soon, Take care Shane
  11. I like your thinking That would also be my preference. Take care Shane
  12. Thanks for your interest, it is still coming, I am having a few issues with the third Fire Station. I am trying to decide whether to release without the third station or to keep going and see if i can sort it out. I still have a few things to try - hopefully it will work, then it will be up for testing. Take care Shane
  13. Hi Hoppah, I have only just read the news and must say, that it is a sad day in the EM4 community. 5 years is a long time to devote to a single ongoing project, particularly with the passion and flair that you have shown in the LA mod series. I would like to start by saying thankyou for all your hard work and inspiration to others. It is truly amazing, what you have achieved with this mod. Add to that the inspiration that you have provided to others, to explore their own ideas and see them through to creation. The whole EM4 community (and the game itself), is so much better for the work that you have done. Your mods will be a lasting legacy and will live on always. They will be the benchmark by which other mods will be judged - and deservedly so. I am very happy to hear that you will be continuing with the forum, so that your knowledge and insight can help others. i am sure that is greatly appreciated by all. The forum would surely not be the same without your posts cropping up. Also, your generosity in allowing your work to be used by others - thank you sooo much. I would like to finish up by wishing you all the very best for your future projects, particularly the one called "LIFE". May you be as successful in that (if not more), as you have been with your LA Mod. With Kindest Regards - and heaps of Respect Shane
  14. Hi all, Sorry I have not been around for quite some time due to commitments with work. I am now back and hope to be able to provide you all with a new package sometime soon. I notice that Hoppah has now patched the LA Mod to v2.0.2. I have downloaded all the new files and will look at them to make sure my next release is compatible with this latest version. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those members out there that have kept this post running by helping others with their questions and problems. It is very frustrating to have problems or questions, when no-one is there to answer them (as I have been), so the suport given by those members makes a real difference. So thanks Will be in touch soon Shane
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