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Everything posted by ses

  1. cool i love the colour of the lizard,as i have never seen it before
  2. i ban you for having cats in your interests hehehe
  3. for a while now our fire fighters have been going to medical calls as first responders / back up to ambos. we do not have ambulance run by the fire service like the usa,so fire fighters provide treatment untill the ambulance arrives. honestly i think having an ambulance run by the fire service is a good idea it could mean getting patients to hospital quicker.
  4. cool what sort of lizard is that?
  5. wow that is awesome. love the new lights on the chief car in the bottom right of the pic. i so cant wait
  6. well done. good luck and keep up with it
  7. the new map teaser looks freat
  8. State Emergency Service Victoria. 20 year veteran with a recent promotion to an officer position
  9. have you got ers berlin installed? i had the same when i had it.i unistalled it and repaired em4,works fine after that
  10. got it.had to wait as the kids were online andi wasnt getting all of it downloaded properly. love it if you need a towtruck press shift and the police button at the same time awesome work.cant wait for the next version
  11. just had a look at the start date for this mod. 3 years , wow is that the longest for a mod to be done so far? im not picking on anyone . but the work that has gone into it is awesome
  12. lol good one. and a thank you to all who answered
  13. mmmmm interesting Fred03. i wonder if techniques from australia and usa vary alot or a little? so basically the unit itself does need to be accredited and an authorised unit over there as they do here,as long as the members are trained, all is good. maybe we have to much red tape here lol but what it comes down to here is lawsuits that why we have so many rules and acreditations for extrications as we are starting to see alot of attempted lawsuits going through the judicial system because someone says " my friend died because it took to long to get them out" and want to sue
  14. but does the service that does the rescue work have to be accreditted to continue their rescue work ?
  15. over here for the state emergency service or the fire service (mfb or cfa) we have to an acreditation to prove that members know how to use the jaws of life and associated tools. Fred03 and Newfoundking so what do the emergency services do where you are to get the qualifications and use the "jaws of life" here is a little reading on what happens here in the great OZ http://ri.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0SO816AvmFTuB4Al1UL5gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNzhwY2hkBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw--/RV=2/RE=1398943489/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fwww.oesc.vic.gov.au%2fresources%2f5362c2ba-3119-497d-a611-a5a13a1452cd%2froad%252Brescue%252Barrangements%252Bvictoria%252B2010.pdf/RK=0/RS=RlfanUCTxQos9kdaw4Mq9eiW2dc- http://www.oesc.vic.gov.au/resources/5362c2ba-3119-497d-a611-a5a13a1452cd/road%2Brescue%2Barrangements%2Bvictoria%2B2010.pdf
  16. Hi guys. This friday the 02/05/2014 our unit has a rcr accreditation. this is for us to prove to the state government that we can do the work and keep our accreditation for our unit. i was wondering do other services overseas that do rcr work have to have an accreditation once every 5 years or so? cheers kevin
  17. oh wow.it just seems to be getting better. that is awesome raf and team
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