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    Fire and rescue service, games PC/PS3, emergency service stuff, outdoor persuits (kayaking, climbing, walking+camping mainly)

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  1. yeah those are the ones. I know what ones they should be like. they are different from the ones from your video too which is weird. otherwise the rest is great thanks the lights are one thing that really needed changing.
  2. high pitched sirens and no lights at the moment. no more time tonight so will look another time see if its my fault edit - lights working fine Files not in right place
  3. ive tried that thats what screenie is all other resolutions just show a few more/less mm of the screen
  4. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/911problemin1786x100450.jpg/ can any one explain to me what is happening in the link above i have changed my resolution to loads of differnt ones and as it is there its set as my monitor is at 1786x1004 50Hz. as you see the image is as it is i dont have a clue
  5. dyson20

    West Wales Mod

    thanks a lot mate help would be much appreciated i let you know when i get into full swing
  6. yeh thats what i mean because at the moment you can see the hose hanging from the basket in the game and i wondered if it was possible to make it how you explained
  7. dyson20

    West Wales Mod

    if i get this editor sorted that will be the plan but i have a lot to do in college so will be slow for a bit but luckily i'm doing a uniformed public services course so when i'm not modding i'm finding out more about what i can put in it i got the editor sorted but i am having loads of trouble putting the fire engine ingame
  8. dyson20

    West Wales Mod

    West Wales mod Goals and aims To introduce units used by firefighters police officers andAmbulance crew in the West of Wales this will include Mid and West Wales Fireand Rescue Service, Dyfed Powys Police and The Welsh Ambulance Service. I wouldeventually like to get to a point where I have replaced all the units currentlyin em4 with new ones and start adding some additional ones. I will also eventuallychange the sirens but this is not a top priority Planned New Units Planed Started Finished Bold=priority MAWWFRS Vehicles- Dennis Sabre wtl Scania 94D Rescue Pump Scania CARP (CombinedAerial Rescue Platform) due to engine limitations this may not happen so wouldbe replaced by Mercedes FL6 Bronto Skylift MAN IRU (Incident Response Unit) Land Rover Defender with RHIB Personnel - (all with new welsh fire kit) Firefighter Firefighter Breathing Apparatus Officer Incident commander with white tabard TEC RAF Sea King MK3A helicopter with pilot and winch man Dyfed Powys Police Vehicles – Ford Focus Volvo V70 Land Rover ARV Ford Transit with/without riot cage on windscreen G-DPPK Augusta 109 police helicopter Personnel – Constable Armed response +police Marksman Riot Police Pilot Welsh Ambulance Service Vehicles- (all in yellow) Ford Focus estate RRV Mercedes Sprinter Bolkow-105 DBS Welsh Air Ambulance (in red) Personnel – Doctor Ambulance Technicians(stretcher) Paramedic Pilot At the moment I am working alone and cant really do much on the mod During college time but if anyone would like to help me during the summer that would be awesome i will need all the help i can get, i can do little bits but i am still learning the basics PICTURES OF WORK SO FAR updated new fire fighters also includes in game pics
  9. well at the moment in em4 to use turntable you get firfighter with hose then install truck get ff into basket and it goes up irl i know in britain not sure about anywhere else they have a monitor (cannon ) built into the basket and the hose runs up the frame of the ladder to a pump at the bottom in the truck if you look at the pic above it should show what i mean better
  10. why are these uninstalled mods still in editor :@

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dyson20


      how can i solve this please??

    3. matte31


      Try to remove the mods that you don't want manually from the mods folder?

    4. dyson20


      done that there is nothing there also i have created a new mod in the editor and its not showing up in the mods folder here is a link to a topic i started earlyer about it should have more info

  11. this is realy starting to bug me i't trying to make my own mod i already had a load of mods in the folders so i uninstalled all of them so i thouhgt when ever i go into editor it shows all the mods ive had in there including my own i have reinstalled the game ran ccleaner and searched my pc for any files/folders related to any of the mods there is absolutely nothing i can find but for example i go into the editor i go onto london mod it loads up fine but is missing almost all the units and the few that are there have not textures how the hell can i get rid of them??? also in the game they show up under the modifications menu but have no information on them including author ect and all have the green spanner next to them they will load up fine but they are only the original em4 game
  12. ahh so i will have to stick with a basic TL in my mod then i can barely do the basics don't wanna have a go at complicated stuff yet new idea... would it be possible to have an ALP (arial ladder platform) or water tower with a water monitor on it and have a firefighter to attach a hose from one pump/hydrant to the ALP instead of the firefighter climbing into the basket and the hose hanging down from the basket like below
  13. would this sort of thing be posible im nto sure if that is what is meant by mid mount arials sorry if it is this is the one i was thinking of this is the sort of thing it does
  14. admin please delete im going to attack this new mod at a different angle.
  15. i know its not my thread but what files are those and do you know the vehicle ones aswell i'm not sure if i copy every one i need over. if that makes any sense
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