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  • Birthday 01/30/1985

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    My Wife, My God, My Work, Me time......

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  1. Ok, So a few days ago I deleted an old version of LA MOD that i had personally re skinned and replaced it with an updated version.. NOW my mods folder is EMPTY except for my updated version i made - but the OLD version still appears in game when loading mods..... and now i cant play multi-player with anyone i used to be able to - even with them having the same exact files over a local network or even internet, Did i not delete it all the way? If not How?...... Please help I figured out a fix to this once... but i cannot remember what i did... TROOPER
  2. Been tracking your progress - Looks GREAT thus far - very excited to see it in action. My Father is from up that way so im familiar with units up there - they all look excellent - Keep up the good work. TROOPER
  3. @ Goog - Thank you for your reply... Very excited to see both up and running. some of the best reskin work ive seen done on here.
  4. Still waiting on the link - Never posted any "wait" posts, but I am definitely excited to get this.... EXCELLENT WORK - (Seen them demo'd on youtube)
  5. E911 Pro by RADSOFTWARE is good, and free, but its only 30 days or so.
  6. Have been attempting to play multiplayer via LAN with ONE person for about 2 days now. NOTHING HAS CHANGED, All of a sudden we got the CHECKSUM error "Server and client are using different files" NOT TRUE Both PC's have a FRESH install of 911FR Both PC's have LA MOD 2.0 Edited with custom re-skins COPIED from MY laptop to his. NO changes have been made NO edits have been made NO files in "DATA" have been changed Just out of no - where - this came up However we can play the LA MOD 2.0 Default on this site without error NY mod w/o error so I dont know what to do anymore Someone help! TROOPER ***EDIT*** For some reason, When I load mods, it is showing OLD mods that are NOT installed with a little green wrench next to them. Ideas??? THey are not in the mods folder but 911FR sees them?
  7. Dumb question & I am usually good a figuring this stuff out but this one has me stumped. I redid my PC and re-installed 911FR Re-installed LA MOD & NY MOD; However its not a huge deal but it still bugs me, All of the audio when you click on a unit, dispatch a unit, or select multiple units or give them commands is in like a European accent. Where as before it was all Americanized audio (Yes, 10-4, its ok, Etc) But now all my personnel have EU accents.. Any idea how I change this?? I really want the American accents back... TROOPER PS I did search the site, If i missed the topic with an already posted answer - forgive me...
  8. @ the police vid... Thats gonna be one He** of a report...
  9. As far as a review - It is about a 6.5 out of 10 You have to hire officers/detectives/csi investigators/etc. You have to assign them to shifts to ensure your city has coverage. Assign them to patrol routes which you set up. Purchase vehicles for your department, and assign both mobile patrol and foot patrol to officers. Manage your stations budget & equipment. Respond to calls for service and assist the citizens of the city. Capture fleeing criminals or criminals located by detectives. Assign detectives to cases along with CSI units to crime scenes. The CONCEPT of the game is a great idea, however the gameplay is short of "amazing" It is a top down view where zoom is greatly limited. The gameplay is SLOW and can be quite tedious at times. Mastering the patrol routes and assigning shifts takes a bit of work. I learned the hard way - your officers HAVE to have a partner and cannot patrol alone. In short - I have only played the game for a total of about maybe 4 hours. If you like the depth to sim city 4 & dont mind a little less "front lines" activity like emergency shows, I would suggest you buy it BUT if you are craving streetside sirens/shootings/in your face fires and medical calls. this is NOT the game for you. your agency interaction is limited to your department from what i can see. Trooper
  10. IRQ errors with BSoD are hardware failures 90% of the time. Make sure your pc/ram/video card isn't overheating. & Make sure that you are sure everything is compatible... Video ram could also be the problem. Or even a paging file mis-calculation causing a hardware fail. TROOPER
  11. I was the one who had the last one organized... Only problem was not enough people were interested to play - and those who were were not serious enough... So i closed it down... TROOPER
  12. TROOPER05

    Mafia 2

    Was thrilled at the fact you could speed and ACTUALLY get pulled over, turn on the faucet, and do tons of useless things, But not at the fact that they integrated more porn type content then all the GTA's Combined... so NOT GETTING IT Stupid TROOPER
  13. LOL @ Gerard... I would LOVE to clear up some of the speculation but until I have fully submitted the documents I will not be able to release some more info. However the game will have a PLAYABILITY factor. When I stated 100% REALISM, i meant on the basis of not what Hollywood or Rockstar or EA or any other developer has depicted law enforcement, rather it will involve a REALISTIC type approach to law enforcement. The game will feature different modes of operation to fulfill all styles of gameplay. Sort of like Instant Action, Realism & Custom - Where you could activate certain variables or deactivate others to increase or decrease calls for service. And of course Online Multiplayer / co-op Trooper
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