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  1. No, I mean the British guy. I have searched and I want my dispatcher to be back to normal with the British guy with the red hat. Does anyone have the files?
  2. I am sorry if this topic is in the incorrect place but i was wondering if anyone has the files to the supervisor. It is where the guy tells you what is happening on missions. Please help and thank you.
  3. @ goog1967 i was wondering if i wouldnt be too much trouble on helping me how to make a mod or at least a sub mod.
  4. what do you mean hoppah Never mind Hoppah I figured it out. thanks by the way and i like the mod so much.
  5. my map switcher wont work it says press 1 and i press it and when i play i click on mods and la mod v2.1 and it takes me to the same mod. can anyone help me?
  6. i downloaded this submod and I like it but theres a few problems 1.my border patrol vehilcles are missing their wheels. 2. what happened to my CHP crown victoria patrol car?
  7. i cant wait for this submod to come out.
  8. JAJA501

    Las Vegas, Nv Mod

    hey maybe we could work together on the las vegas mini mod i got pictures from the LVMPD and im still trying to find pics for the other agencies in las vegas. so what do you say work together?
  9. hey send me a PM if you still wanna make the LV Mod i'm a beast in Photoshop i can do skins and layouts but dont look at me for programing or anything

  10. JAJA501

    Las Vegas, Nv Mod

    which one do i download? which one is the best?
  11. JAJA501

    Las Vegas, Nv Mod

    can i get the link for the zmodeler website?
  12. JAJA501

    Las Vegas, Nv Mod

    does anybody have pics of the LVMPD, fire & rescue, ems, and other stuff.
  13. JAJA501

    Las Vegas, Nv Mod

    what kind of Las Vegas vehicles should i put?
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