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jerry7428 last won the day on July 24 2022

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About jerry7428

  • Birthday October 24

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    China, Jiangsu Province
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    Too many to tell you guys!! XD

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  1. New models of Gensokyo EMERGENCY DIVISION (WIP)Models:婦警さんーみなちゃんさん警察官(活動服)セットー森羅エスカルティン帯革セット&現行型二段式警棒ー葱ま さんMitsubishi Fuso SUPER GREAT V&CANTER model 2007&HIACE商業用自動車 &消防車仕様五代目初期型ー自動車部門 verisuta HIACE AMBULANCE(PMDvision)ー愛さんHIACE救急車&スバルB4自動車ー蟹江さん
  2. -New police officer of Gensoukyo Enforcement with winter contume. (model author -- zedsf) Sasaki san is a patrol officer belong to 114514 station - The Ministry of Right and Wrong, which located in the northern of Ningen. As the winter comes near, all the police officer wear their winter uniform. -冬服警察官到着。 佐佐木警察官在人里北部的114514驻守站上班,座驾是一台斯巴鲁力狮巡逻车(制作中)。听阿求说,佐佐木是来自外界的警察,说是在坐末班电车回家的时候被那位大人带回来的。在幻想乡之内的外界人少之又少,而他竟然能被四季大人聘任为是非曲直厅的执法人员。这大概在幻想乡历史上都是前所未有的事儿。 ----射命丸子更新日志 (PS:上述简介纯属扯淡ω)
  3. New units of Gensoukyo Enforcement. -Toyota Crown S204 (Model from GTAinside.com) -VW Santana 1992 (Model from Square Enix) -Toyota Hiace 2017 (Model from GTAinside.com) -Nissan Almera 2013 (Model from GTAinside.com) -Suzuku Every K-car (Model from 下校-MMD)
  4. It is a Submod based on Piecki(Poland) mod, and I want to make one Japanese style town on this map. There's still many work to do, so it won't be public in nearly days.
  5. Hi everyone! I am a EM4 Lover from China, you can call me Syameimaruko or Aya. I am now starting a new small mod based on piecki mod. I have been playing EM4 since 2018, and played about 50 mods. Range from LA mod to Bieberfelde mod, but I have never played a Japan mod. So I decide to make one. Because of the language gap and network speed(mainly), I will be absent from time to time. And I will post some progress on the website in China such as Bilibili or Baidu Tieba. Here are the first screenshots: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some concepts of this mod, I will be happy if you like it. If you have any ideas or request, I will be happy to listen and accept them.
  6. excuse me, I can't connect to the discord link above.I really wanna know if the mod is still WIP or have some updates
  7. this mod looks really nice, hope that will be public soon
  8. Those links was dead already since the last MU forum update, I have no access for Midtown 4.0 either
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