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Steve Winters

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Everything posted by Steve Winters

  1. Steve Winters


    I've been away from this forum for quite some time now due to work and vacation. However, I'm curious... How's this modification coming along? I'm still hoping and praying for it.
  2. Looks good. Getting there. You've just gotta stop with the boxes.
  3. I didn't understand what you meant..
  4. Steve Winters


    I'll screen shot this and post it somewhere so everyone can see you're bsing. I'm on my iPhone right now and I can see everything. You're just making up excuses. Please stop and don't reply to this.
  5. Steve Winters


    Lies. I'm on my iPhone and iTouch all the time on this. and I can see everything. Don't make up excuses. How's the Fire Truck coming along?
  6. You won't have to worry about that. They'll make a spectacular traffic script. so we don't have to worry. What are you going on about?
  7. By god FTW TUT, you're killing me here! You're killing me! These are fantastic models. Well done!
  8. Wow! That looks awesome! Great work!!
  9. I agree.. Fail on my part too. but oh well. Can't wait to see the picture of it.
  10. Steve Winters


    By god you're correct about that Mate! And it's working!
  11. Oh sweet. Looking forward to pictures d: I'm curious to this 'M10'. What is it exactly?
  12. Ahh goody, you haven't died. Congratulations on passing your EMS test. Looking forward to seeing some of your skills again.
  13. Looks really really really great! I hope you can finish it!
  14. Looking great. At least I know where all the bombs are located at so I can be ready
  15. How is it coming along anyway? Sounds like you've got a few models made.
  16. That's a good question what Xplorer said, are you guys taking requests?
  17. Cool, so I wont have to start to learn Finnish and attempt to translate it like I did in the actual game (:
  18. Steve Winters


    Holy Sh*t! These are unbelievable! 7 hours spent on it and you managed to do that amount in that time?! You sir, have some amazing skill. Great Job. Scratch that, amazing job. They look fantastic and finally, the FDNY Fire Truck which has just blown me away. I'm really really really excited to see the Fire Truck finished with colour. Well done, keep up the fantastic work NNICO.
  19. Ahaha, 100% correct there. That's a great idea. I could see myself doing that for hours upon hours.
  20. ahah, oh man. that's a bit mean. Do you mean to download? Cause if that's what you mean, the mod isn't out yet.
  21. Gotta agree with you there, he's said that a lot throught the making of the mod... everyone hopes for it now, but honestly, quit spamming...
  22. Haha, subwoofer oh god. Mine blows up my house. It'll be a good addition though.
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