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Everything posted by spikey
I hope its gonna be realised with the units thats done! That woud make so many pepole happy! and then all the work woud not be for nothing! Soo lets cross our fingers that it will be realised.... (sorry for my bad english)
On website, on harddrive or downlaod file?
Are there somone that know how i can play Norway mod with the orginal map? not the LA MOD map? woud be nice to have a change in map until the new update comes out
Are you looking for pepole to test the mod?
Good to know!
Is version 1.5 out now? also can you guys make a video from 1.5??
you can try hypercam... don't think it takes sound.... but then u can just add music
Can u put the lightbar thats on UP on the dog unit, mutch more realistic, but this you have to know: You have fantastic work! Good job!
I really think that the oprativ leder (medic) car shoud also a police car, its really nice work you have
I also want to know if it's possible for me to change the freeplay map away from the LA map back to the orginal map? how can i do this?
Looking forward to new photos or video of the mod!
Did just see that.... so never mind hheheheheh
Hello Is it possible to get a update with the new missions for LA mod 2.5 to Norway Mod? 9 new missions have been added to the mod. Missionlist: Mission 1: Military prototype plane crashed Mission 2: Bomb explodes in busy shopping area Mission 3: Fire in family house Mission 4: Hostage Situation at Los Angeles Intl. Airport Mission 5: Road accident Mission 6: Police chase ends in tragedy Mission 7: Homicide at downtown district Mission 8: Drugs gang Mission 9: Forest-fire is treatening village Mission 10: Assault on prison bus Mission 11: Flood after hurricane Mission 12: Two children overrun by car Mission 13: Protect the president Mission 14: Child is missing Mission 15: Accident on road junction Mission 16: Hostage situation at Los Angeles bank Mission 17: Truck crashed into ravine Mission 18: Fire reported in office building Mission 19: Hostage situation in Boeing 747 airplane
it is possible to create a police line do not cross tape? to have in the mod? like the one in the link: http://www.sinok.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/politi-sperreb%C3%A5nd-justis.jpg ???
will the new map be in the new version? yes?
TNX! it worked! now the only problem i have is that it's just those missing objekt thingy xD
Did it work? i tryd to install it, but when i started EM4 i coud not find the mod
Just woundering if it is maybe possible that the mod will become more like berlin mod?... just with norwegian units... take a look at this YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKqGjEV0-PY
Dude... That is one of the cars the norwegian police uses! deal with it! we want the mod to be as realistic as posible right? and guess what! you can actually choose which vehicle you want! you actually don't have to use it if you don't want to! oh and yeah! Happy new year guys!
May this be a unit for the mod? (hope so) http://static.vg.no/uploaded/image/bilderigg/2011/01/19/1295429418723_755.jpg
i can't get it to, so i'm using riot police when there is a armed situation, you know, to cover delta ofc hehe
Picture: http://www.google.no/imgres?q=stavanger+brannvesen&um=1&hl=no&sa=N&rlz=1C1SKPC_enNO344NO344&biw=1280&bih=709&tbm=isch&tbnid=-DWE9z4fp__kIM:&imgrefurl=http://www.radiosandnes.no/modules/module_123/proxy.asp%3FD%3D1%26C%3D15%26I%3D0%26iPage%3D2&docid=NZOBcuIoYro1cM&imgurl=http://www.radiosandnes.no/stream_file.asp%253FiEntityId%253D11756&w=640&h=422&ei=ptmqTvLcNebQ4QSW5onmDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=451&sig=109202141433559431255&page=4&tbnh=132&tbnw=200&start=46&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:46&tx=101&ty=87
I have notice that some firetrucks are yellow... maybe that woud be something for the game aswell... you know picas they use it