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Everything posted by cops

  1. here is my new update... model: 99% skin: 95% animation: 0% script: 0% ©®Cops/Regio19Modification I hope you guys like it
  2. wat is een prio 5 melding?

  3. may I do a sugestion about the new scripts poll? I love to see Captains/Chief: Cancel Units Enroute Captains/Chief: Call Any Unit Put on Medical Gloves (give much more realisme!) Get Medical Bag Put on Hazmat Gear Put on Traffic Vest Get traffic cone Connect hose from truck to truck Connect hose from Hydrant to truck Put on SCBA gear and of course Scripts that add realism well I love to see Put on Medical Gloves and Captains/Chief: Cancel Units Enroute
  4. yeah, it's easier than you think @ aitor: I don't know how to reskin people
  5. open with sparkIV the skin export it to your comp. and start reskinning like you do with EM4
  6. why I'm seeying this now and not earlier it looks fantastic!!!
  7. wtf I need to download internet explore 9 but it is not possible on XP and Google crome won't download eather :s

  8. Well I made "big" progress for today, and the result of it is this: I only have some trouble with the basket to attach it to the "arms"
  9. yea, I thought the same. Till I was bored and I started to look for a nice emergency vehicle. I'm also in progress of a Zaanstreek-Waterland mod. But that's just to early to show screens (this HW will aslo in my mod =) )
  10. well, maybe we will but first we want to make three Highworkers. And after that we maybe can make some American units
  11. pff... ben vanmiddag gevallen met de fiets zonder enige reden, ik weet hier niets van. Nu heb ik net 7 uur in het ziekenhuisdoorgemaakt en alle SEH afdelingen gezien, en wat blijkt.. arm gebroken, scheurtje middenmoetsbeentje, gat in me hoofd ca. 1,5cm en een schaafwond van ca. 6cm... en dat alleen omdat ik naar me werk ging ¬.¬

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedHawk504


      Das kut man, kweet wat je doormaakt!

      veel beterschap man

      PS welke arm? :D ander ken je nie meer pc'en

    3. cops


      linkerarm, maar het gaat met moeite XD

    4. 911firstresponder


      ah pijnlijk,echt veel beterschap!

      heb het zelf ook eens meegemaakt!

  12. ja, ik heb versie 2007 BTW maar als ik het op wil slaan slaat ie het automatisch op met %20
  13. Hi all, for school I need to open a file with Excel, but everytime I do that I get a error(s): and than I won't work after it, I only get the anserws but that's what I don't want:( I hope somebody know my problem... because also I can't find .XLS(X) download files...
  14. kut man, net me examen terug gekregen en... ik ben gezakt :( nu moet ik het volgende week woensdag overnieuw doen... hoop dat deze makkelijker is

  15. bijna klaar met de 3 unit voor de mod (Regio19Modifications)

  16. does anyone know if the Florian Hamburg Mod - 2.0 is released?

    1. RedHawk504


      So far i see it didnt. Already thought what mod you wana make or?

    2. cops


      yes, I only want the Highworker(Towerladder) for the mod with the scipts incl.

  17. Zal ik de Nederlandse ERS afmaken of gewoon een hele nieuwe mod beginnen? reageer alsjeblieft hierop dan weet ik nog of er hoop voor de ERS is of niet...

  18. I see, that's just a shame
  19. I hope it isn't to late for me....
  20. cops

    LA Noire

    is this game with "freeplay" or only mission based?
  21. when the topic starter makes a poll...
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