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Everything posted by cops

  1. Hi all, I was wondering if someone know this problem that I have in Zmodeler2 Because I manged to get the new texture, but when I want to skin it it still gives Default
  2. yes that's possible Because I made a script that you can use in the editor the Bluelight/Speciallight/Traffic L. red/yellow/green so you can control 5 lights PM me if you want it like my video: http://www.youtube.com/user/112dutchboy?feature=mhee#p/u/0/phKpvt-b4YM
  3. I like it very much Good job the only sad thing is that I can't download it because of the file is removed or my country won't support it...
  4. wow that sounds nice, no more school in 6 days. wow I wish that I had it, I still need 1 year after this year
  5. hahahaha, everyone has that it's noting special anymore...
  6. Paranormal activity 1 was good Paranormal activity 2 was better Paranormal activity 3 was the best Paranormal activity 4 would they give a new definition about the word "good"?

  7. Dyson you look to good XD I didn't see it untill I read your post XD
  8. please make also a video about how to do it +1
  9. Thank you, but your skin is the winner so real XD yea, I know but I need to make the wheels, this are just from a civilian car that I made for San Diego
  10. vanavond komen er weer kinderen aan de deur, die gaan zingen nu maar hopen dat het niet weer die 14+ers zijn...\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cops


      ik vind max basisschool, maar als je al op de middelbare zit, denk ik echt rot op. Dus ik laat ze wel zingen zeg dat ik het mooi vind en dan gaat de deur dicht :D

    3. RedHawk504


      weet je wat ik altijd doe, ik doe de lichten uit trek scream masker aan pak hak bijl van uit de garage en dan bellen ze aan. ook van die 14+'sers. En dan schreeuw ik en dan moet je ze zien schrikken. Vorig jaar liet er 1 zijn blackberry liggen :P

    4. cops


      hahahaha XD

      jij maakt er meteen Halloween van XD

  11. just copy and past it in your skin XD well that's how I do it... I'm searching for a medical logo in this case--> copy it--> past it on a different paint field, and make the background the same colour as the ambulance--> copy again--> past it on you model where ever you want
  12. well here is my San Diego paramedic 63
  13. thank you very much Eggcarton
  14. never :O than you have to look at the LA mod, look at the CHP hats
  15. yes please, I want it so bad
  16. Hi everyone, is it possible to edit a person, something like the LA mod? Hope someone will help me Cops
  17. do you have some screens, or at least more information?
  18. today it's a great day, I passed my examination =D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kris
    3. Kermit


      nice! congratz!

    4. cops


      thank you guys, finaly I can go to my "next" year :)

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