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Everything posted by cops

  1. and they are using it when they are on a busy road or dangers place And Sven LOVE IT!
  2. ssssssssssssssstttt... don't ask to much you need to see it when the download is available And btw I guess so...
  3. yea... I know, but can you send me the Impala file, so that I can remove it... Because I don't want to download the whole submod
  4. Never start a relationship with your best friends girlfriend... ×_×

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. goog


      now you have to choose between them...which one would you rather make out with LOL.

    3. RedHawk504


      none, because the girl he liked already haves a boyfriend. And his latest girlfriend has broke up with him. so no choise :)

    4. cops


      O man... I really have a complicated situation right now >_<

      But it comes alright :D *I hope*

  5. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    nope the Securitas, will be able to "protect" a convoy Or some other function, like escorting a moneytransport car. (with the paths etc..) and they get a command post in a shopping area... So I need to script allot Or say something that I can use
  6. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    no thank you, I've a new map maker, so everything gonna be alright and a new update: "security"--> Securitas see headpost
  7. I can do it for you, send me the file
  8. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    Thank you Nope, I want to make some CHP, but FBI I don't know maybe Thank you You don't have to pay for it Just wait for the mod and than you have it
  9. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    thank you very much, ow and the Engine I'll update it ASAP to remap it
  10. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    no way man I just like it to have new equipment etc...
  11. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    Thank you Because there are more than 1 It's just that you can call 8 SUV's for in the city and 2 for on the beach Really I'm considering
  12. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    Hi everyone I'm currently making a fictional San Diego mod, based on real cars. This mod will include: New Emergency vehicles New persons New Scripts New equipment New map and much more... Video updates will be showed on: YouTube: http://www.youtube.c...oy?feature=mhee Team: 3D models maker: Cops Skinner/UV-map: Cops/Aitor Scripts: Cops Map Maker: Cops Animations: Cops Testers: Redhawk504/Njboy13/FireFightersKid/Aitor I don't know what I need to say so I'll show you guys pics Equipment Ambulance Fire Department Police Lifeguard Security Civilian [NOTE] For now the mod is in a start phase so I need to do allot, and I need to ask for permission to the makers before I release the mod. But that's far far away [NOTE2] I test some of my scripts in a fictive mod, that's called: "Zaanstreek-Waterland" [NOTE3] I'll make all the models by myself for now Hope you guys will follow this
  13. woehoeeeee!!!! A new start, with the NY Brooklyn modifications, keep it up guys!!!!
  14. Why, why, why!!!!! Why I always fall in love on the nice light paterns of you guys...
  15. hihi, it's already solved It's for the San Diego modifications
  16. anyone has the '09 save a life modification ?

    1. FDNYpower
    2. cops


      that's a mod, that's released in 2009, but since my computer absorb water I can't find it back...

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