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Everything posted by cops

  1. he just write: So I don't see your problem
  2. almost done with the San Diego Police Buggy :D

  3. what kind of lightbar is this?

  4. does anyone know why my new map is crashing, if I do 24 depth it says "map is to high 512x512" and with 16 depth and 32 depth it crashed when I import the map :(

  5. does anyone know the adres of fire station 21 @ San Diego ?

  6. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    jup that's true Redhawk504 told me that on MSN, but I'll make a note in the headpost new update in the headpost:
  7. I got only one issue with the mod... There is a helicopter crash (top of the map) in the water (I thought Central Park). But I can't extinguish the helicopter OR send a diver or something similar in the water to recover the vehicle But that's the only bug I have/found
  8. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    Thank you in the video you see a private mod "Zaanstreek-Waterland"
  9. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    A new script preview for the light options NOTE: I try the most scripts in my private mod, and when they work 100% they will be appearing in the San Diego mod
  10. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    then I already going to say another secret... There will also be some water vehicles But I won't show any updates of it >_<
  11. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    damn there goes one of my secrets of the map But yea, Beach buggy's/SUV's/Lifeguard will be able to acces the beach
  12. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    thank you ! I'll show some new screens when the buggy is finnished
  13. I never stoped to follow this mod, and now they almost got it ready damn I can't wait for more information
  14. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    Thank you, yea, the Idea came from Aitor. And he send me some screens from the buggy's Only it isn't 100% like the real one :$
  15. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    **Big news!!!!* I got my harddisk working on a different computer, so I'll be able to mod with the San Diego modification And to show off... A little preview of the new San Diego Lifeguard buggie
  16. well here is mine Assendelft- This evening a 112 call comes in about a person that got some hot oil on it, by a fondueset. The victem has some burn wounds on his leg, and in his face. The ambulance crew decide to take the person to the hospital for treatment. 2 days later the victem has dissmissed from the hospital Ok, I know my English sucks Enjoy!!!
  17. wow the second one is awesome :O But the first screen, please watch out for the end of the map I'll upload between now and 1 hour my repo
  18. wow respect dude, this is one of the original idea's I've ever seen !!!
  19. my game crashed after 2½ hours of gameplay... But yea I can life with that BTW I've Camhack
  20. Well MrMitch I think the same about those people, they may be glad that they can download the mod Sadly enough I need to wait on a email
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