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Everything posted by cops

  1. First message from my new pc :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cops


      not everything XD

    3. RedHawk504


      Components i putted together for a good result :)

    4. cops


      that's true :P

  2. i see polylighting that's wrong (the headlight) But still it's cool
  3. lol XD but use it on a vehicle and not only the skin self!
  4. going to bed, tomorrow a early long day from 05:00 till 23:00 :)

  5. omg Goog you ambulance looks amazing O_o But the cabin is a child? **You post above the mine is funnt >__<**
  6. correct, well when I can get access to the model files, it will be scaled on right size. And then i need to look for someone that want to animate it... OR I need to learn it what will cost 1 year "-___- because it isn't that easy as I thought
  7. still on school till 17:35, and back at home around 19:00 "-___- My life isn't fair...

    1. Kermit


      Welke opleiding doe je dan?

    2. cops


      Verzorgende IG

      maar ze hebben besloten om zoveel les op 1 dag te doen ivm BBLers die er op de dinsdag niet zijn :(

  8. awesome screens goog!!!! >___<
  9. sorry mate, there is no Winnipeg mod in progress
  10. wow I just only watched the police vehicles :$ <3 it
  11. it's a easy skin, to easy maybe but still loving it!!!
  12. well you guys can use it as a civilian car, and about goog yea... that's true... Maybe I considering it
  13. new computer ETA 4/5 days!

  14. I'm so happy... just sitting here on school and wait till the clock hits 17:30 ×_×

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cops


      well did you had school from 8:30 till 17:30 :P ?

    3. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      5:30?!!! What the heck?!

    4. cops


      yea I know

      BUT with my school we can even sit till 19:15, lucky enough I had it last year, but still from 8:30 to 19:15 :P

  15. thank you for the screens/blueprints But the Fire Engine still missing his own wheels >__< But you fixed it, I'll update it in just a few weeks I guess... when I got my new pc
  16. well, that's good enough for me I'm starting in just a few weeks (guess 2)
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