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Everything posted by cops

  1. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    Nope it will be a Dodge ^^
  2. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    Double post sorry... But I've a update since a few months Model: 80%
  3. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    ahhhh... I thought the real missions XD I don't know if that's possible I thought you mean the campaign missions
  4. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    I am learning it ^^ I can script etc... but missions are just a bit harder than I thought it would be...
  5. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    I can't script missions But I've several Ideas about some missions ^^ For now it's a secret
  6. cops

    [WIP] San Diego

    wow that doesn't look bad at all!
  7. I thought it was a real fire engine edited with Photoshop or something simulair... but it's amazing
  8. Just started with the frontcabin from the Rapid Responer :)

  9. I hope I get the job.. I hope I get the job... Nursing assistant :D

    1. cops


      hahaha... I don;t care if I have to wait... but only this time... this job I want to know XD because it's a good job with my schedule :)

  10. [uPDATE] Rapid Responder almost done http://www.abload.de/img/1rypus.png [NOTE] Every single thing in the model is separated so I can skin it easier ;)

    1. Freelancer
    2. goog


      eye candy cops!! great job,keep it up.

    3. cops


      thank you guys! :)

  11. anyone that knows a free upload site (+300MB)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sgtmatt325


      try dropbox i use it for everything its easy, it makes giving mods and stuff to people easier it can hold up to 2Gs

    3. cops
    4. sgtmatt325
  12. haha, the only reason I make door handles is because I can't skin door handles XD my models are around the 7000-11500
  13. I guess I know it: Did you already "flipped" the sides?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C.F.D


      This truck is commonly known as a Brush Truck, or Combination truck. It's multi-role to go where large apparatuses can't go on, cannot go, such as narrow roads, fields, or in very swampy areas. It serves as a First Responder for most agencies because of their ease of maneuverability and operation

      Some are outfitted with a 200+ gallon tank, Indian tanks, chainsaws, picks, fire rakes, and stretchers for rescue operations. Most trucks would have a front mounted secondary pump...

    3. cops


      thank you CFD!

  14. On the music of Farooq Muhammad making the new Emergency 4, 3D model :) #LifeIsGood

  15. [WIP] Complete new 3D model for Emergency 4, so far 7748 poly's the light units take 6040 http://www.abload.de/img/11qj23.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmC-Unit


      Great job man! but you should not left "emptiness" near the doors

    3. C.F.D


      Keep the lights off. Only design the body. Perhaps Goog1967 will add the lights for you?

    4. cops


      that sounds nice CFD if you guys really want to do that :)

      @ EmC-Unit don't worry I'll close it, but for now the inside is detached so that I can add more details ^^

  16. we all know who won this time ^^ Good job Goog!
  17. A party went wrong in Haren (Netherlands) Riot police from several disctricts are now responding with Code 3 (PRIO1)

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