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Everything posted by cops

  1. use youtube/google or the website of the fire department you want to use www.politiestriping.nl www.ambulancestriping.nl www.brandweerstriping.nl there you can find several models from the Netherlands including the striping etc...
  2. how ironic

    1. fireboss-tulsa


      HA! just like in the UK when police dont wear there seat belts, can we pull them over lol

    2. cops
    3. met police999
  3. Updated the Legend lighrbar serie to V2.0, admins only have to aprove it

    1. Zach1019


      SWEET! What's different?

  4. Thats cool that you have a new script for transport injured people!
  5. Hi Dyson, Maybe you can try this? I really don't know if it's dutch, but if so, you can PM me and I'll translate it ^^ (Or use Google Translate XD ) I hope it works
  6. is that a script O_o that 4 people can carry someone on a spinalboard? I like it
  7. to another year we'll survive :)

    1. Zach1019


      yes we will survive! I wonder what the next (untrue) prediction of the world ending is? HAHA LOL :D Happy New Year!

  8. a few hours before it's the start of a new year :D

  9. You can enter any country/mod etc... in my topic ^^ It isn't like "only American mods"
  10. I am so stupid the last few weeks... I mean I want to make a map for the San Diego mod... And I didn't had any clue about how to make it... But now I looked back at the Messengers that I got and I see more than enough to make my map complete #StupidMe

    1. CFDDIVE11


      they could probably still want to help you

  11. this looks like a real heavy modded Emergency 4 I must buy it when it's released
  12. Je was toch al met een mod bezig? You where already in progress with another mod?
  13. ahh ok, thank you for the information
  14. can I suggest something? If you going to do this mod... can you also do bluelightbar side with blue and the red with red... Or do you want a 100% looking Los Santos police car ?
  15. Sometimes I wonder why girls act like a bitch while they still like you... :/

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. stevenew95


      I am exactly on the same page as your on right now. They never know what the hell they want.

    3. cops


      hahaha awesome videos :D

  16. yes you can do that with Zmodeler... But if it's a child you can do it via the editor PS Check your Mail/PM
  17. A MVA was reported this afternoon, there caller saw the 2 cars driven against each other. He doubted no moment and called 911 and short after the 911 call police and EMS arrived on the scene. A few moments later the Fire rescue responded for assistance. Lucky enough there where only slightly injured peoples with this MVA. NOTE The models you see are not made by me, except the cabin of the Fire ladder
  18. Send me the files and I'll save it as a zmodeler file
  19. only if you want to import a .v3o file And Trust me I don't know what the blue text says but this is the way to skin
  20. cops

    Washington D.C.

    haha, Goog you are amazing
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