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Everything posted by cops

  1. hell yeah... that's awesome! now I need to learn some Portuguese
  2. It's still in progress only we don't make much progress due our private lifes that has been busy lately
  3. Now I've seen it on a bigger screen and it looks awesome! Hope there will be a lightpreview soon ^^
  4. Every year my birthday come less important... maybe I am becoming an adult :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. goog


      Happy Birthday cops!!!

      Yes the cool toys and games change into clothes and coupons when adulthood is reached.

  5. yeah it took me a while (since the last time I spoke to you via the PM) It's finished since a week including the texture on it ^^ btw... I'll contact you soon for some information, for now it's goodnight from the Netherlands
  6. I think you like it anyway here is the final verion Feedback would be appreciated to make it a perfect model model will be used in the San Diego mod
  7. looks a lot like the London mod with some edits and add ons on the models including different skins XD I am not telling this isn't your mod, I am only suggesting that the Hong Kong mod is based on the London mod with the vehicles and beside that on the first picture you showed us I can count at least 3 London police units
  8. well looks like Emergency 2013 for me with some new missions :/
  9. Open the model file with notepad and see if there is any texture to it Also be sure that the UV map is in the same map as the model file OR you can even import the mode l in Zmodeler and open the texture with it
  10. you can do some 3D design by yourself... O_o like the VLS lightbar etc... ?
  11. well long time since someone posted here... so here is my change started from the bottom now I am here still need to add small details on the skin and add some antennas Ford Crown Victoria Broward County tips, comments or anything else go ahead
  12. I thought I saw on youtube several engines with red/blue and white as primary lights?
  13. wait the police bike is also available ? I thought only in missions :o
  14. REally? Travor can buy a garage right? Somewhere in the city
  15. I hope they will release a patch where it's possible to do the classic GTA Police/EMS/FD missions
  16. That's not true, 'cause if you enter a taxi you can play those missions
  17. Then it's on hold am I right ? In stead of stopped?
  18. I want to mod, but when I start to mod I don't want to mod... I think I miss my motivation :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cops


      when I open Zmodeler or the editor I lose interest in it to make vehicles or something similar... kinda stupid xD

    3. Ghost Graphic Designs

      Ghost Graphic Designs

      Try something different! It works for me. :)

    4. Marshall8946


      Trust me, I get the same way with lighting..

  19. wait what O_o That looks so easy... it takes the fun of modeling away
  20. I can't open your link it says that's invalid
  21. Hey Dyson, I reinstalled EM4 and tried to run your mod once again... but it says it couldn;t find anything in your mod while your mod is +2GB O_o Is it possible that you make a .e4p file? (or what kind of file the modstaller is hahaha)
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