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  1. Hej BMA Jeg har problemer med at få Agerskov mod 1.2 til at kører... når jeg starter spillet er alt sort, jeg kan kun se mappet, ild, og blå blink.. alt andet er helt utydeligt. Håber du kan hjælpe http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png
  2. I have the same issue mate... sucks big time....:(
  3. I seem to have a problem with launching the game (911 first responders).. I just downloaded it from steam, and I do have internet connection.. Any advice???
  4. Hey BMA First of all thank you for another masterpiece!!! Would be amazing if you in the future could add this engine in this mod
  5. New Gameplay is out! It is still an alpha-version though:)
  6. Since Emergency 5 has now been released on AppStore, do anyone think EM4 wil be too? I guess EM4 is still more "popular" the EM5 because of the modding issue:) I Really Hope so!
  7. I am considering to learn the coding just to finish off this mod!
  8. I don't if I should be disapointed or happy.... But I do think that you are a really talented modder anyways, looking forward to see what your next project wil be!
  9. Okay thank you:) And sorry if I did not follow the rules:)
  10. there is the demo which I have liked to.. that gives a quite good view on what we can expect:) Where is the off topic forum?
  11. Will you include the enignes from the tv show?
  12. Hey guys! I know this has nothing to do with Emergency series, but it is a game which deserves alot of attention. I will upload the lates news & screenshots of the game when they are released. The game is made by Aerosoft who is known for making really good simulation games! Also it will be fully modable Releas date: April 28th 2016 Demo: www.notruf112-simulator.de
  13. It would be cool if you could choose to lay out foam! Also make the roll up things where the hoses are open up, like in ERS Berlin:) But great progress!
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