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Everything posted by Police101

  1. Is anyone else occurring issues with my map mod?

    1. Michael Knight

      Michael Knight

      all objects in the Los Angeles Map Mod 2.1 are black

  2. I see my map mod is improved.

    1. Police101


      I added in the Details on how to install the map.

    2. Gmmer401


      I downloaded the map and followed your instructions but it takes me out of the game everytime i hit freeplay after it loads it exits the game. How should i fix this.


    3. Police101


      Thank you for posting a complaint, i will get to the bottom of this soon, for now just chill, Sorry for late response.

  3. Thanks but i will just look into the logfile.txt. Can i ask you something also? Are you good at making Emergency Cars And Maps?
  4. Just played on a mod on Emergency 4 today and somehow I crashed when I clicked on ''Back To Station''. I told TheNorthenAlex about the issue, he said ''Look into the logs'' And where in the Logs, where do I find Crash Reports in the logs?, and how do I fix the issue?!!!
  5. In Emergency 4, Rebels and refugees are errors, I found out their errors by going onto the editor and trying to spawn a rebel, it is a error for me sadly.
  6. The Los Santos Modification Is Not At A Start Yet, but soon the website for it will be announced on the 1st Of May 2016

    1. Police101


      Sorry for delaying the announcement for Los Santos Mod. I am starting to make the Website Today.

    2. Police101


      Taking a long break, enjoy the summer.

      half of website complete, I kept taking lots of breaks, that is why it is not finished. I will return soon.

  7. View my profile about if you wanna know mods and map mods I will be releasing.

  8. I heard logmein gives you access to online em4 servers.
  9. Version 2.1


    Los Angeles v2.1 Map Mod, Edited Map. This is still being tested for other PC Emergency 4 Players, but it is Ok for the public to download for now. ---------------------------------------------- Credit To Hoppah for his original map ------------------------------------------------- How to install the map mod: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\911 First Responders\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v2.1\Maps. replace the freeplay and freeplay.e4m and also the freeplay.eft with the files you installed from my mod. Added - Massive Military Base. Robbed Bank. President House. Hidden Rebels, go look for them, you will find them shortly. Make sure file not missing. Have a problem, just message me it and I will take a huge look. ---------------------------------------------- I used Emergency 4 Editor to edit the LA Map, Hoppah is the original owner of the LA Modification [Los Angeles Mod v2.1] I recommend you check his mod out. Thank you for reading, this is important.
  10. Feeling like making a map mod of the LA Map, I built a huge Army Base.

  11. Hello, it's me again, you're neighbour.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Police101


      And yes, I'll give credit to Hoppah for the map.

    3. Police101


      Finished, go take a look, you will be surprised, 


    4. Police101


      Can you see if the Map Mod For LA Modification works, test it for me, I also need to test it, I just want to see if it will work for you.

  12. Emergency 5 does not have many resources, that's also the reason it is rare to get new mods for EM5, Emergency 4 has more resources.
  13. Am I on the wrong topic to place this kinda Mod announcement? General Talk is the wrong topic to announce mods I think.
  14. I went on Emergency 4 Editor and I tried to see if I can put in a rebel, but it came as an error?
  15. Rebels appear as errors for me, I need rebels for military mods I install, anyone know to fix it?
  16. How would "Research It" be rude, it's a word of advice but how is it rude? I am only helping, I don't want to be rude.
  17. How do you run in Compatibility Mode?
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