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About nwdantona

  • Birthday 08/09/1995

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    Connecticut, USA

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  1. For those who might have had trouble downloading the mod in the past you can now download it free of charge at full speed from my server: http://4x4submods.epicgamer.org/
  2. I have just tried it throught the editor and it didnt work, i beleive because it is not an LA MOD Sub-mod, and that the script for the action was not made with this MOD because it is an independent MOD. From what i see copying the script from LA MOD would be the best way to approach this, if you want to change it. My 2 Cents.
  3. I'm pretty sure it is possible, i haven't tried it though so don't hold me to it.
  4. Hey guys, just wanted to say great job on the mod. Without the pursuit command it has made it more challenging and definitely more fun to play. Amazing job!
  5. I did and i checked and all the lights took affect. Is there anything else that could not make it be playable?
  6. I saved it and it still didn't work. Is there another way to save the units that I don't know how to use?
  7. thank you, I changed and added lights on mutiple units.
  8. Can some one please help me export my changes from the editor to make then playable in the game.
  9. ---Please delete post---
  10. Can you treat a patient with two paramedics?
  11. This happened to me too, I have a touchsmart laptop and I touched the small map to show someone where something was and that happened, I clicked on a vehicle or something on the map and try that. What I did was I clicked and then held the alt key and rotated the camera and it fixed it. Nick
  12. Hi guys I was just wondering if there is a way to change the patol routes for PD and EMS Supervisors in v2.0? When there are major traffic jams all of the patroling cars get stuck in line one after the other. Then when I go to un clog the jam they all follow eachother. (Great mod Hoppah) Thanks, Nick.
  13. I just tried to recored in using Snagit 9, the cop fell after 20 seconds. IDK why he didnt fall the time before. Nick
  14. What i did was i responded a USAR squad to park next to the PD car and then called a crane, the crane picked up the patrol car but left the police officer. The officer wont fall, i passed the mission having not treated him at all. Nick
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