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About Pumper42

  • Birthday 07/27/1981

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    Creemore, Ontario, Canada

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  1. In the UV mapper box click the materials tab there should be a couple of options eg: dlk_object default-PICK THIS ONE and you should see the box that you made
  2. I agree, the sirens are good but what he needs is to get a POWERCALL/FED Q mix, that is what DCFD uses
  3. Don't think that is what he is talking about, he is trying to skin th box but the box is not showing up. The couple little pieces that are showing up are what are left from the default model, he needs to change that in materials.
  4. It looks like all that is coming up is part of the default model, looking at the bottom right box, click on the materials tab in the bottom left corner, pick another option other than the one its on. This should help.
  5. Hey I think I can help you, go to the building in the second pic that you posted in the editor, the path ends at a weird point and the sprites don't delete at the end of the path, just delete the last 2 points on of the path. This should end the path on the sidewalk beside the building. Also check anyother spots that paths may be block(eg: did you add a building somewhere in the middle of a path, if that is the case move the path around the building you added) Anyhow this should help, if you need anymore instruction let me know. Regards Pumper42
  6. Yes you can do it and i've done it, however i could only do it using the principal idea from Hoppah. How it was done was using one of his original water tender designs. Originally the truck was equipped with a water cannon, if you wanted hose connections you had to click on the hose connections icon and you could then connect hose. I used the same principal and had the initial truck as an aerial truck, when you clicked the button you could then have hose connections. There was a limitation in that you could only use it as one at a time, either the ladder or the hoses but it made it cool if you had single truck halls on your map. Hope that helped Pumper42
  7. Ya somewhat like the guy above answered, but he is talking alittle more about talk around channels for single channel fd's. What you are talking about is larger dept.'s multiple channels. So just like you said when being dispatched to a call they will be given a channel, when the next truck goes out they will be given a tac channel and so on. This way they can have much more activity in the city and don't have to designate channels just give them as needed.
  8. I would disagree, just because it is offered in english it is still a European based game. Every model in the game is European, from the persons, to the vehicles to the buildings.
  9. Yes I did have a TFS mod made, but over the last little while the game crashed on me and I'm unable to run it.
  10. google toronto fire pics and you can get pics of every tfs apparatus and station. Hope this helps Pumper42
  11. This is from a few years ago
  12. Pumper42

    A sweet ladder

    Bronto skylift 235, 235ft high. There is also one in China that has a vertical reach of 100m or roughly 300ft. It was made in finland.
  13. I don't really get what you are asking but to get your new camera hack to work in the editor you need to uncheck the box "camera paramaters"(I think thats what it says) or something close to that.
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