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About CamoflaugeKoala

  • Birthday 06/23/2000

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    Gaming, Emergency Services, Soccer(referee), Lego. If adding me on Skype, please tell me you're from the EM4 forum. :D
    Looking to join FRNSW in a few years.

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  1. This is looking amazing, can't wait to play it man well done.
  2. Was unaware that this awesome mod was still being updated, good to see. Can't wait to play the finished product, it's looking amazing so far and good to see all the community engagement and participation.
  3. I've encountered this bug in other mods and am currently downloading Kent 1.2, will update if it occurs.
  4. Sounds awesome, I just leave a sprinter ambo and a police riot van or two there, in case
  5. Yeah, there seems to be a lot of medic and police calls centred around the concert, always fun though.
  6. Just wondering if theres a link anywhere for the .5 download? If not, its all good Mod looks awesome so far
  7. Absolutely love this mod, one problem though: For some reason when I try to make a Paramedic grab a medical bag the game crashes my whole PC, is there anyway to fix this?
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