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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. Yeah I guess.... You guys can do it!!! Just believe in yourself! haha
  2. I ban Tactical Rooster for not doing his job haha. @MLDRMB I ban you since VA and NY is the best!
  3. Model on google sketchup and i'm ALRIGHT... at lights hahaha.
  4. This looks great! If you need help with ANYTHING, let me know (except modeling on zmod...sketchup yes, zmod..no)
  5. Hey Dyson, hows the mod coming? Just wondering XD
  6. I can't work this! It says it can't find my EM4 directory! Please help me, this mod sounds really good but I can't find it?
  7. No it says that the mod or something can't find the emergency 4 directory.
  8. DYSON! I found the 'hidden mission' in the submod. The on the hudson lol. That really threw me off haha. Great job on the mod all of you!
  9. I'm banning you becuase you like watching house instead of dora the explorer lol.
  10. How's this mod going? Looks greeat!!!
  11. They could use it to open locked doors instead of using an axe to do it. Maybe metal doors or something. Or combine the axe and halligan bar (irons?).
  12. #1, this is AWESOME! Great work on everything here. Especially the pump panel. Will we have to learn how to use those? #2, Thank goodness for the tutorial haha. Thank you for all of your hard work.
  13. Edit the maxcam from 1400 to like 400 or 500. Test it.
  14. I'm just a happy guy. Very optimistic haha. There will be a new map for this right? Also, what type of siren does the Newfoundland police use?
  15. Maybe...... haha nah. I was luaghing since it was a joke but sad since it didn't mean what it said. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!! I'm just saying, this mod will be awesome and I'm loving that chevy ambulance.
  16. That's messed up haha . I'm still behind this mod.
  17. I ban you for Adam West running in the picture.
  18. Yeah, I have that haha. Got tired of it. I mean one for like PC or something. Something realistic. That German game looks like the most realistic game to date for firefighter for civilians haha.
  19. I would like to know of any Firefighter games. One like that German Fuerwerh Simulator game. One that I could drive to the fire then do stuff. haha, that would be nice.
  20. I thought this was only for instructors.
  21. I might....we will have to see. Do you have the code three halogen lightbar made yet? Just wondering... haha
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