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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. I hate those blue lights aaaarrrgghhh .
  2. wooo! Hopefully it won't go away haha. Great job guys!
  3. Sorry to hear about your parents but what's A level?
  4. That firefighter game is alright. I have it for wii and it ends pretty quickly but I think when blimp666 said that he wanted firefighter games like this, he meant games that you could drive the truck out of the station and drive around. Something like that I'm guessing. I can't wait for this game to be available for us. I want him to speak english haha. Someone tell me after they have the game if you could mod it please.
  5. I...I can tell you've been in or near the army long enough to know these things NK haha. I like the sound of this mod so keep trying .
  6. This loks awesome!!! I hope they do make an english version! Did they say anything about an editor or modifications?
  7. I need a new mod!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Magnus malte

      Magnus malte

      Need to make or dl? : )

    3. aitor


      Everybody, everybody...

    4. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      I wanna make one but my zmodeler won't import/export the way I want it to.

  8. Does that work? That sounds really neat! That would require a bit of scripting though wouldn't it and increase the possibility of mash ups?
  9. Much better than last time! P.S. your first picture looks as if it has glare problems lol.
  10. The chief knows you personally? That's really neat!
  11. Does anyone have a english translation that works? Mine didn't and I installed it many times!
  12. I hate to say it but american mods rock to me and so do their trucks haha. I'm not to fond of european roads, buildings, or aparatus for that matter. I guess I'm used to american. Can you make a Henrico mod? The police cars are pretty easy to skin actually haha but you would know about that. There are only 20 engine's in the xounty including a tech rescue engine. 5 trucks, 3 squads, and 1 Heavy rescue (Tech rescue tractor trailer) Can it include occasion fires not fires a lot like LA but misc. fires then sometimes those big house fires. Most of the time, it would be EMS calls and some police calls. I know you;ll probably say no but at least give it some consideration .
  13. Does anyone know how to pass the hazmat call? The car accident with the leaking tanker truck?
  14. (I really need an updated one lol) Sorry thanks, I meant the winterberg mod haha.
  15. Does anyone know how to pass the hazmat call? The car accident with the leaking tanker truck?
  16. Can someone tell me how to change SCRIPT files. I want to but I can't.
  17. This is a link to how you can make your own siren script. It should help...as far as making up your own siren, you either make your own or get one from youtube. Either way, you have to make it a mono sound file.
  18. For the siren, with trucks that may have Q's or anything close to that (Squad 18 has one if you put it in there), can we wind those up ourselves by just pressing a button or does it only work with Whelen, Pa300's, etc?
  19. Will we be able to hook up a ladder pipe?
  20. awww man. Just take the snow off then haha. Great job on everything you do!
  21. So...there won't be any bronx map and the new apparatus won't be in there?
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