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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. I found out online that Engine 23 is now an M2 Marauder. Will you be making that for V2 or 3? I have that style of lightbar made on my computer if you want it.
  2. I don't know if I asked this or if someone else did...f I did, please forgive me. Are you going to install boxes on some corners like NYC? One option can simply be an engine or RMP. Nothing too fancy with choosing options just Fire and Police.
  3. Can someone tell me how to change scripts and save them to say script again? I tried to schange it and the script messd up since it didn't save as SCRIPT. Can someone help me please?
  4. Thanks. just about done with the rear of the truck. Tryin' to take down lines and poly's.

  5. Still messin' up sadly.
  6. It says that the download limit is exceeded. I don't understand so can you please help my? BTW, great lights.
  7. They don't want to because it looks weird in game swinging all over the place.
  8. smae with me sadly. This looks like a great game but it won't install.
  9. They don't have tanker in NYC. Just satellites haha.
  10. This mod is nice! The GUI looks pretty unique also. Is this mod dead though?
  11. Are you making a police version of GTA IV?! haha. The grenade is possible I believe but requires scripting.
  12. I've never seen an international one. Maybe a ferrara or pierce.
  13. I'm kinda confused...is it ready to be downloaded? That version?
  14. Ok, I understand, thanks anyway . I thought you meant ladder 61 when you said 61 haha. Thanks for clearing that up!
  15. Are you guys going to implement a 10 code type of dispatch system? I mean, are you going to tell us which units to send. We don't HAVE to follow it but just to know? Just wondering?
  16. Ladder 61?! Those are my guys haha. Suggestion: Could you guys add a charger HP?
  17. I finally got to call the hazmat haha. Ummm MikeyPI, when you hover over siren, it says siren off/on/horn. What dos this mean? Can you manually use the airhorn somehow?
  18. Is there going to be a bit more missions where I could use the Hazmat truck? I didn't have to use it yet . Also, will there be editing of the station alrams or how the calls will come in kinda like the wegberg mod?
  19. I back all of these questions but with the directional lights button, engines in NY don't have that. That's why they have NYPD haha.
  20. haha, that would be cool!
  21. Is there going to be boxes in later versions? That would be AWESOME!
  22. The other New York mod is amazing!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Haha, ok the NY mod is awesome haha

    3. DeHe


      Oh yes it is ;)

    4. Shadylasse


      Sorry for the late response, however, I assume NFK and MikeyPI's NY mod is the "New York Mod" or "NY Mod", and the "big" one in progress is the "New York Modification".

  23. Oh crap thank you soooo mucch!!!!!!!! Everyone!
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