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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. I thought you were borrowing it from them I was going to be like !!!!
  2. Haha, after so long, I finally find the right time to do it. Oh and on an unrelated note, I've gotten better with textures thanks to you! Once again, thank you. Also, CFD, cannot wait to see those lights. Learned a bunch from you too lol.
  3. LA has one as well as Winterberg mod. NY Mod has one and well, every other mod except for wegberg lol.
  4. Oh yeah. Must've been a pain to wash them all off . Well, awesome job again man haha.
  5. That is a lot of smoke!!! The trucks closest to the towers should be blown up though if it were any more realistic. I know it sounds weird but if it was to mimic what happened, it should but its just a suggestion .
  6. It's a protection of his models from him to protect his many 3d models. Oh and your childs are freakin' awesome man! Great job . P.S. the first thing he said was: So now you see why I do this?
  7. I'm with Fire explorers in VA. Can I post vids about us too?
  8. I don't know. I used any ambulance I found on google haha. Thank you sir, can I PM you if I need any help if its alright? I tried it then got messed up. I'm sorry to take all of your guys' time but I can't seem to get what I want....
  9. I tried but couldn't make what I wanted but anyway, here you go.
  10. There are but I just wanteed to learn how to make curves or branch off a line or something but i'l find out how to od it myself.
  11. He's changing what the ambulance looks like but the model itself, not the skin. Also, I know how to make straight lines but I mean like how you see an ambulance graphic where the line goes straight then branches off like this.
  12. Tutuorial video and images. The BLS ambulance is giving me some trouble. I wanted to make my own ambulance but it irritates me how I can't even find where the box (patient transport) section begins and ends as well as the cab. Also, I'm not too good wwith making nice straight lines like you may see with RCMP cars, NYPD, and other nice police cars and ambulances.
  13. Ummm, how do I reskin the ambulance correctly? haha where does the boxy end start-end and where does the cab start?
  14. That's what happens in NYC. You get a Rescue for almost every MVA depending on what type it is...especially if its an entrapment call but I believe you could call for Squad 61 because they carry extrication tools.
  15. I'm banning you because you may not understand the concept of porn .
  16. Are these just ideas or is anyone really actually making these missions?
  17. Awwww, ok then..great submod still
  18. Great work Rafael! Ummm, with the trucks, will the doors be able to stay open because that would make some things a bit more believable.
  19. WOW!! I love this work man. Keep it up
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