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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. Those cops should've killed him anyway even if he had given up. Hopegully (most likely) he'll get the death penalty but it still won't be enough for the families. God bless them.
  2. Whatsup Bosco. Welcome to the forums and uh to install just copy and paste all files into your LA mod folder.
  3. I need to know!!!! how to model that!!! and make it!!! as we ll as uv map it!!!! Excuse me, my voice has grown horse. Words can't describe how awesome this is so I just have to say AWESOME!!!!!
  4. Not to point any fingers but....the grille lights in the police car are supposed to be red and blue not blue and blue. Perfect skins though!!!
  5. Your cimputer program thing. Like winodows 7, windows 2000, windows ME, etc.
  6. Engine 35 and Battalion 12 are ON 3rd ave so... yeah .
  7. How much do those games cost?! Especially crash time
  8. How many poly's are those models? BTW, they look great!
  9. Did you refresh your page? Did you press the extinguish fire button under the number of the level of the fire? (small fire, big fire, etc.)
  10. Unit 42

    Utica(NY) Mod [WIP]

    As of now, no. I'm working on FD units then some EMS if needed then police. IMO, all that would be needed to be done is the tahoe would have to be reskinned.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Officer_Down
    3. Station27


      Is it a full model or just a cab

    4. RedHawk504


      there is written CAB not full model ;)

  12. Ok then. I'll try it or just wait until someone changes the language. I've just been hearing bad things about it but maybe I'll like it myself haha. Look at the bright side...you can respond to calls. That's awesome! Where can I get the demo?
  13. This is pretty cool actually. Good job!
  14. Will we be able to drive the trucks? I'm sorry but fire buff question here haha.
  15. Unit 42

    GTA 5

    Wow, takes you that long? hahaha, I'm kidding. took me a while too. I do wish we had fire and ems mission like EVERY OTHER ONE for ps3.
  16. Unit 42

    Utica(NY) Mod [WIP]

    I just have to do some more models and we should be good to release a beta or something. Don't think we forgot about this .
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