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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. I've seen it and it looks quite interesting. Good work.
  2. Oh no, I really hope they don't That'll be another two years ugh. Well unless they keep the scripts and map, then it will be kinda alright.
  3. I can try since I'm in NYC now. What precinct is that at?
  4. I loved third watch but that came to an end. Rescue Me is alright but like if you like everything to be accurate; no pierce ladders, no ugly battalion chief cars, and other stuff; you wont really like it. The thing that really makes me angry is the fake tones. Sounds like they just threw something together on that one.
  5. Holy crap...i'll just wait for the torrent lol, I'm kidding. Come out with more mods and I'll get it .
  6. Yeah, fire exploring is better . Haha, ride along on the engine, truck what have you and get better cred with the fire chief if you like to kiss ass
  7. So this mod is on again? GREAT!!
  8. Oh snap, me too. I've tried but failed Thanks goog and I second that quote by squamishfire.
  9. Im banning and reporting you for spamming again
  10. Cool, looking forward to it.
  11. May I test it too? I've never tested a mod before
  12. We still doing your mod sir?

    1. shadowzuziz


      yeah im working sorry man pretty busy how you doing things? i got friends of mine to help me with animation

  13. Sounds good man . I think that you'll do fine. You have any modding...experience?
  14. How much is 29.99 Euros in dollars?
  15. Very nice but quite big. Perhaps make it a bit smaller
  16. Its still being worked but yes, sadly there is no date. Really oping that will coming out.
  17. Is there a way to download the game to your computer?
  18. You rename the dds file to have the file name of v30 so it'll be from ambulance04.dds to ambulance04.v3o then unpack then rename it back to dds. Download the DDS converter and convert the dds file to jpg or png.
  19. That's sad. So in 30 years, he's getting out. Yeah Sawdbuster, I agree. They'll most likely beat him up.
  20. I was wondering the same thing. Is this mod still going?
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