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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. You got the EQ2B sirens off of fedsig.com? How did you make that mp3?! I've been trying to do that since forever! Oh, nice voice acting and I love the third watch theme.
  2. Very nice guys! I also love how the engines weved in and out of traffic just in time haha. Very nice.
  3. If you uploaded that, I would have to hurt you!! Nah, that would be cool and I don't think hoppah would mind since he said you can change and release anything you want just give him credit.
  4. Dang it haha. Well, looked good anyway.
  5. This looks really good!! I see a ladder on the floor near the engine in front of L-10. Will we be able to use that?
  6. I really don't give a crap about em. They bore me and I don't care what happens just as long as the economy doesn't lose all of its money.
  7. I would be dead most likely already cause I'm too important for the earth to kill me off
  8. I'm guessing volunteer and its in the Netherlands?
  9. Like B2bomber had said before, You guys will be very happy about this game trust us both
  10. Oh ok. Any idea how to script that or should I look in different modfolders to find things like that?
  11. Danggit germans make all of the cool games!!!!
  12. We'll try to keep it somewhat short than that
  13. Does anyone know how I can script a CAD box to open up in the left upper corner of the screen kinda like the NY mod team did in their pics or how it is in the RTS mod. Thank you.
  14. *Faints then gets back up* Those screenshots are AMAZING!!!
  15. Please elaborate. What do you mean you can't download the light mod?
  16. If it's released or WHEN it's released..aha, caught you on that lol, I'm kidding but will the brush truck be able to move the tree or will the engine crew be able to move it or whatever or will we have to call in a crane?
  17. American FTW! haha, nah, I like euro cars too but they're a bit underlit .
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