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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. Yeah, oh wait did you make a decision regarding the maps?
  2. If you go to the specs folder then to your fp_params_endless xml files and open them in notepad, you should see something that says <events> and everything under that are different events. You should see something under the event named Enabled value = "1". If you change that to 0, that call will not come up so for example, <EFPEventFall> <Enabled value> = "1" Change the "1" to "0" and it should not come up in the game anymore. I believe if you change the number to 2 it will make the call more frequent so if you may, you could do that for police events. As for the earning number of the calls, I don't know how to change it. There is a Earnings value that gives you 35,000 points to use periodically and that's in the firs "paragraph" at the top of that xml file as well as the starting budget. I hope that this has explained the answer to your question.
  3. I made both of these FDNY models and I'm proud of it haha.
  4. It's both multiplayer and 3d so woo!!
  5. Dang! My worst injury (so far lol) was when I fell down the stairs while running and dislocated my elbow. I cried so much but once the ambulance and the emt's came, I felt a lot better! I liked ambulances (i still do) so I just took in the sights as the pain kinda faded as we rode to the hospital haha.
  6. That is the greatest gear-up animatin I've EVER SEEN IN A GAME!!!!! This will be awesome! Is it out yet because I see someone talking about it but I don't know if it's out yet. Are you beta testing? Also, I've never seen such a complex game since winterberg mod so i'll need a translation lol but AGGHH ITS SO AWESOME!
  7. This mod is looking great!
  8. Please make the text bigger. I can't understand it.
  9. What type of sirens does norway police have? I wish to change them.
  10. THIS TOPIC IS FULL OF BURN!! This is fun but wrong and right at the same time. 1) This is right since a guy comes out of nowhere bashing someone telling him what for and that's awesome but 2) wrong because you're bashing frenchies. Why do that to people who have had this much bad luck from the day they were created? (crud, now i'm doing it haha)
  11. The compression is pretty fake to me and it NEVER works when I do it.
  12. Thats what I said! Not even that bad. Japan was so much worse.
  13. What type of sirens do norwegian police use? Does anyone know? Also, great mod, played it for a while .
  14. Very crazy Earthquake but not the worst in the world. Im just happy it was so low on the richter scale with all of these nuclear plants around. Dont want something like Chernobyl to happen again
  15. Will their be new calls like in the Winterberg mod?
  16. Will you be able to put down cones automatically with this truck? It looks really nice!
  17. So much grass!!! I see a wildfire all over the place in this mod haha
  18. Say what? How dare you doubt my abilities! lol, I'm playing but yeah that was the easiest model so far so be ready for better!
  19. Go hed dude an ged sum o dat oj...wait wut? lol naw dawg, i unnerstan you but keep on doin wut you doin cuz u doin gud. (YEAH!!!! lol)
  20. So...many...orange...lights!! It's awesome great work!
  21. Aggghh, is it up yet, I'm so anxious lol. Very great mod!
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