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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. Lol! Euros... I want a game like this! Have you guys started or is this just a concept?
  2. Get his number and usually (i've been to england fun fun!) a whatsitcalled card and call him before 6pm NYC time so you can get to him before he goes to sleep....if he goes to sleep at 10 or 11 lol. NYC time is five hours behind england time. Can you guys do me a favor? please? Can you put E66 and L61 in there if you can? I've always wanted to see those trucks in a mod. That's the house my old friends work at. Used to call them my firebrothers lol.
  3. Haha! I was just watching that and thinking the same thing! I would help out with lights if need be but my computer crashed...sorry.
  4. Sorry about that Dyson haha, got a bit carried away lol. Wow three new trucks!!!! can't wait to see them!
  5. Thank you all haha, well I would use them all as models but I can't place them in the game especially my engines. Way too high poly haha
  6. Where would I see your synth Dyson?
  7. Are you thinking of making one like this but for fire? That would be great too!
  8. Wow! I could do that! it plays 911FR on all high settings well too? Also, B2, I have no clue. Did you try in Data?
  9. I need a computer like yours haha. What is it? Hey guys, are there any new pics on the site? I'm thinking I missed something but when I look, there's nothing missed but....i know I missed something! lol
  10. Don't send it to me since my computer done crashed
  11. Man I'm happy! Just finished NIMS 100, 200, 700, and now only have to do 800 before I sign up training academy wooo!!!!

    1. FDNYpower
    2. gizmo719


      Good luck, I just completed mine for my dept. BTW the answers are online!...lol

    3. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Are you serious?!

  12. Well, the squirt is kept at the training grounds since its too old to be put back in service and Engine 6, the newer one, is at station 6
  13. Your computer just cant handle the epicness of this mod can it? Just breaking down every time you get close to finishing lol!
  14. @MerittLong Aaaannndd we have an expert yaaay! Listen to this person now lol
  15. Oh nooooo noo no...we don't have tillers nor have we ever had one. We dont have high rises yet we have high rise packs irony!!! lol anywho, our oldest truck THAT I KNOW OF that we still use is this. Alrighteh, The first truck is not a truck but something we called a Squirt and is just...old. I think 90's or older and the second engine isnt the NEWEST but it is pretty new. Our Engine 7 (Not the quantum in the pic) has that lightbar but it is red and is shinier lol
  16. Unit 42

    Madrid Mod

    Very beautiful! Is thast Hoppah's fire station in the top right corner?
  17. How do you have time to do that? The first letter Caps Thingy. I cant Do it For The Heck Of Me lol. Great to hear That It's Back On.
  18. What is the good amount of compressions and drugs I should give a PT if he's going through a cardiac emergency in this game?! I tried so many things but it never worked!
  19. Wow, you've really been working on this! Very good, I'll download as soon as it comes out!
  20. Theres a Mechanicsville right down the street from me haha
  21. Imma try this as soon as I get my computer fixed thanks guys!
  22. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/12978-aarhus-mod-release-of-161/page__hl__%2Baarhus+%2Bmod__fromsearch__1 Here ya go.
  23. Wow very nice! Would it do you more good to download nnico's CV? Those skins would look 10x better! Trust me, I made reskins too lol
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