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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. I know!! Also, once I saw Emergency/Emergencia, I was like OOOMMMGGG!!!!!! Very good work
  2. What I do is follow every step but instead of getting every rioter, get the one with the sign in his hand. He's the guy who started everything and without him, everyone else will just go back to walking away. Flashbang, grab guy with sign, put him in car, leave. DONE!
  3. Which R1? The new one or the old one?
  4. Very nice! I like the harlem lookin' brownstone houses too!
  5. They did? Lol, if you're telling the truth, you're gullible as all hell hahaha!!!
  6. Use the older Seagrave too haha. I fogot what type of text the FDNY use but I'll look it up so you can make the 99 more blocky.
  7. Just finished watching the end of Rescue Me and I am VERY disappointed! Why did Lou have to die?!!!!!!!!!

    1. FDNYpower


      yea i know its so disappointing that it had to end i loved that show :,(

    2. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      I'm just P.O'ed that Lou died like that. Well might as well go with honor than go in terror....you hear that Josh?! I'm kidding dude. Well, hope, god forbid, that's I go when I pass. In honor protecting everyone else.

    3. FDNYpower
  8. Oh haha. I got mad for a bit. And Ride Along Rivera too! Imma check this for closeness to the show you know hahaha, I messin with you. Do the best you can.
  9. Even worse! He was just asking for it haha. Well actually, something I wanted to ask you guys. Is the map done? I can't wait to play it when my computer gets fixed!
  10. Hey what's the difference of BU and SU on the tops of the police cars. Lol, and how can we use every police unit here?! It's so much! Very very extraordinary.
  11. It's beyond words. I just can't talk because everything would beb in caps. That's how good it is.
  12. Can we see yours too. (PM me to avoid spam)
  13. Now it's looking more like a Norway mod! Great job man really!
  14. Dominik, that's just wrong! This mod is great in itself and should be respected as such. Are you guys still working on this mod BTW
  15. OMG I WANT THAT!!!!!! I MEAN IT!!!(This is no caps lock fail I really want this more than you know)
  16. Used to be a submod, now it is a mod with different units probably
  17. You better put Garrity in there too! lol
  18. I can't see the picture. Can you upload it from a screenshot or something?.... nevermind. Can you PM it to me please? I wanna see what it says!
  19. Yeah, also if they were to release it now, you would be wowed but to a "limit" since they're not done. You wouldn't want Dyson to release his mod now when his units aren't done, map isn't finished, or sirens and sounds dealt with but had new scripts implemented now would ya? Same with these guys. You saw what showed up on the last page, A FERRARA R1! What else needs to be proven to you guys that they're still workin this mod? And Shadylasse is working with them AND breaking it down to you on what they do! That has to reassure you at some point! I agree, as should everyone else here, that I wanna use meh damn truck! I wanna see the stick go up and use 5-6 people to run up on it venting as they get to the roof or doing SAR in the building! I wanna use the engine crew as much as possible except for just suppression and maybe car accidents. I wanna see that BC chief roll up in his excursion on a fully involved taxpayer fire, take out his command board and start doing chiefy things like he's supposed to do...not just stand there and be eye candy for the game! Same with Satellites (You have like 100 new fire units right? Should be in there lol), ESU trucks (Really need to use those!), and all the busses I can handle (ambulances) too! So guys please be patient, this isn't a hoax, they want everything to as great as possible so you don't have to whine and ask for more. Have some respect and say "Good job guys, keep on goin kay? (dispatcher talk lol)" because it would be hard enough to do what they were doing too and still be beaten down by others for taking too long so give them the.....will...the....hope and determination to go on. Be nice and if you are still yearning to see more, look at the pics on their forum topic. That should be more than enough to satisfy you guys. PEACE! Oh and Dysons mod should be able to calm you down somewhat at least for a good while. Trust me haha so great job NY mod guys.
  20. I thought that that was for EM3
  21. I saw it somewhere before hold on. I shall check. Well, sorry, you may have to look longer than I have. I know it's somewhere in the LA topic but I couldn't find out where. Sorry.
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