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Unit 42

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Everything posted by Unit 42

  1. Wow, I didn't know you wanted to know more about us though....I guess since everyone is putting stuff on here, I shall add to my post too. I am Joshua and I live in VA. I was born in NYC in the "Boogie Down Bronx" and right now, I am an EMT-B trying to work my way up that ladder to ACLS Paramedic. Um, I volly on the ambulance in the county next to me and I'm a fire explorer too and I love everything and know a lot, bookwise, about the FDNY. I'm a buff for them pretty much haha. Uh, let's see...that...that...and oh! I'm a senior in high school trying to get my nursing degree in college after I graduate as a backup should anything happen while firefighting god forbid. That's about it.
  2. wow, that is smooth! Great job man great job !
  3. Lol, they'll just give it back and say....pretty good and make interesting faces lol. Nah, I hope they look like they like it. They're all very nice guys! Imma go there next time I go to NYC after meh Ride alongs.
  4. This sounds absolutely great! great job and keep going
  5. Your dad is awesome! lol pretty cool idea. Did he get a pic of them?
  6. I salute the tenhouse bravest and all who lost their lives on that day. +1 with the guy above me also haha
  7. Oh Dyson, if you're going for accuracy for the EMS portion of the game, remember that there are inly two people to every truck in FDNY EMS except for the Lt. or Captain's truck which only has that one person. 2 EMT-B's or two Paramedics. They could just grab the stretcher at the same time like they do in real life and one could drive while one is in the back.
  8. You don't use directional lights?! Your mad man! Nah, but I really want to see this here mod since it looks so very awesome!
  9. Epic sentence fail! lol, I'm waiting for some models and reskins to pop up then I'll spam your page with kind words to say about the submod.
  10. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OGM OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that EMS station!!! I wish the one I rode at was that big though haha. Amazing!
  11. Wow your cousin is firebuff? Tell him I said hi haha
  12. I thought you had to be 17 1/2 to take the test...oh well. That's a very touching story and that dispatcher deserves a medal for being so damn calm!
  13. SCUBA? I thought they were going in a building not underwater lol. You meant SCBA haha. THIS IS AWESOME!!!! Can we see a demo please??????
  14. That's cause he's in a game! lol, Yeah, I see him in the pic and I'm thinging, where have I seen this man before?
  15. OH 65! Shoulda just told me the engine co. then haha. Here is a pic of me and I volunteer at company 6 in Hanover Tis me.
  16. I'm Josh...and if I can get this dang pic to work here, you'll see what I look like lol
  17. But he'll die! I don't want that. Or even if he complies with the negotiator, he'll get arrested. That'll suck . I'm waiting to see the new map so badly haha.
  18. Yes you can. You just import the 3ds file into zmodeler and it works. I have pro sketchup on my computer and I can see if exporting it on 3ds on here will work on zmod. I mean I'll export it for you.
  19. WHAT?! COOL! Put Niko in there though.... he'll probably shoot the paramedics though lol
  20. If you're still wondering how to unlock files, rename the dds files to v3o that you want to reskin, open editor, go to modifications, then unpack files, then c:/ then wherever you installed your 911 FR folder, open that, go to the folder that you renamed the dds to v30 and click it and press unpack. Now you can change the texture
  21. Does anyone know what happened to Field Comm? Oh and if you listen to the audio of this on youtube, it's even worse knowing that 54 engine, 4 truck, and battalion 9 as well as the crew from truck 3 all lost their lives so it's even worse listening to it.
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