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Everything posted by bma

  1. It is actually really simple to do. either you can use the int PlaySample(const char *File_); or the int PlaySample3D(const char *File_, const Vector &Pos_, bool looping_ = false); The first one is the super simple, it just plays the sound on the entire map. The seconds only plays it in a specific area(Usally on an object)
  2. That is because for them to be added in freeplay you have to add them to the freeplaybase.xml file in the specs folder
  3. There will be three Panthers. 2 at station 1 and 1 at station 2
  4. ^ Correct The mod runs on mission script, so you have to launch it like a mission
  5. Dont worry mate, you wont be disapointed
  6. That is because your have moved so far in one of the directions that you are off the map. Choose Edit -> Center camera and the problem should be fixed
  7. There have just been released a new version. It should have some bug fixes and stop some of the crashes. http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?thread/62880-bfe-update-v1-1-downloadlink/
  8. I think you have to do it in the base -> ui files, i dont think it is possible to change in the mod folder. But it is most likely in the Edit: ... Ui folder
  9. Seems like a little weired workaround if you ask me. But sure it is possible. You just need to call it with a for loop GameObjectList gol = Game::GetGameObjects("NameOfTheVehicle"); GameObject *go; for (int i = 0; i < gol.GetNumObjects(); i++) { go = *gol.GetObject(i); go->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VcmdDirectionalLightsOn", go, 0, false); } Something like that
  10. Short answer, yes it is possible. I dont have my computer on me, but what you basicly want is to name the two vehicle the same thing and then use a for loop to call both of them at the same time. The only major problem I can see with your idea is that it isn't possible for vehicles to redirect, it is only possible for persons. So it would be much easier if you changed your signs to be persons instead
  11. There is a Hazmat container with hazmat equipment, there is a SCBA with unlimited breathing aparatus, a minor spill container with bags of sand to take care of the minor spillage and lastly there is an medical container with a tent that can be set up and have a lot of injured people in it.
  12. It is because you also have to change the metastrings.xml file in the specs folder As default all of the strings in it will look something like "lang:infotexts.xml". The one you want to be changed in your mod you have to change to "mod:Lang/eng/infotexts.xml"... of course for the correct strings, but you get the point
  13. It is possible to download an english translation of the mod on the download page. But a lot of the calls are still german
  14. Try to send your logfile after a crash, then we can see if there are any clues in it
  15. Yes Its usually in your start folder together with a shortcut to the game. If that isn't the case you can just make your own 1) Find your shorcut to the game 2) Make a copy of it 3) Right-click on it 4) Choose Options 5) Find Destination 6) Use the same desination but add - editor in the end For my version of the game it would look something like this AND YES, you need to add -editor after it save, and there you go
  16. Did it work before you reinstalled it? Don't know how good you are at Emergency but: Open the game -> Go to Modifications in the game -> Find the mod -> Load it -> Play
  17. if(Agerskov_hour > 7 && Agerskov_hour < 18) okay, lets take a basic lesson in if statements. && means AND and || means OR. your current if statement says: Agerskov_hour > 7 && Agerskov_hour < 17 && Agerskov_minute == 0 && Agerskov_second < 4 So what this means is that before the statement is true, all of the following criterias has to be true: - The hour has to be more than 7 - The hour has to be less than 17 - The minut has to be 0 - The second has to be less than 4 If just one of theese things are false it won't work. What you are looking for is proberly something like - Hour is more than 7 - Hour is less than 18 if(Agerskov_hour > 7 && Agerskov_hour < 18)
  18. You take the Vehicle v (Caller); out of the if statement and put it beneeth "game::GetTime" and then you should change the if statement to something realistic the one i added was just to show some of the different elements Edit: dude you need to remeber {} around the code you want the if statement to include
  19. void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Game::GetTime(Agerskov_hour, Agerskov_minute, Agerskov_second); Vehicle v(Caller); v.EnableTrafficLight(TLT_YELLOW); v.AssignCommand(CMD_WWTD_OFF); v.RemoveCommand(CMD_WWTD_ON); Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_TOGGLE, v.GetPosition()); } };
  20. //in the top of your script int Agerskov_hour; int Agerskov_minute; int Agerskov_second; //Just after void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Game::GetTime(Agerskov_hour, Agerskov_minute, Agerskov_second); //Whereever you need it after Game::GetTimer if(Agerskov_hour > 7 && Agerskov_hour < 17 && Agerskov_minute == 0 && Agerskov_second < 4)
  21. Its on my desktop, ill send it next time im on it
  22. http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/856-bma-script-einfach/ or http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/1856-bma-script/ Not sure which one
  23. yeah that would be a good way to do it Do you need help trying to find it?
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